Iran’s Regime Can No Longer Use Foreign Wars To Divert Attention From the People’s Demands

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2024
Iran Protests Across the Country in Recent Years Have Continued

Originally published at the Iran News Update website

For the past forty-four years, the mullahs’ regime has held an iron grip on Iran, ruling with brutality and authoritarianism. However, this regime bears little resemblance to the culture and aspirations of the Iranian people. Beyond its oppressive nature, the fundamentalist government has failed to provide solutions to the nation’s challenges. Instead, it has exacerbated the problems by enforcing draconian measures, such as the prohibition of activities like chess and restricting normal communication and entertainment, all in an attempt to impose its rigid ideology on the populace.

The struggle between the people and the regime has evolved into a battle for basic human rights and freedoms, with the resounding cry for ‘freedom’ echoing at protests across the nation. This ideological clash is exacerbated by reports from the state-run newspaper Rouydad 24, revealing the regime’s attempt to dictate every aspect of citizens’ lives, from political representation to language, education, art, and personal relationships. This pervasive interference has sparked a protracted conflict between the Iranian people and the ruling regime.

The regime’s response to internal dissent was the initiation of an eight-year war with Iraq, a catastrophic decision that, even after its cessation, led to the exportation of internal crises to neighboring countries and, eventually, the world through proxy forces. Despite these efforts, none of these actions has proven to be a sustainable solution for the regime, offering only short-term advantages. Over the past four decades, large and small protests against the regime have become a recurring feature of Iranian society.

Efforts to quell challenges during the Iraq war and the notorious 1988 massacre of political prisoners were met with renewed resistance in the early ’90s. Uprisings erupted in various cities, reaching universities in 1999 and culminating in the 2009 protests, marking the first time the regime felt the imminent threat of being overthrown. From 2017 onward, the regime could no longer mask its internal crisis by diverting attention through external crises in response to new waves of protests.

The recent crisis in Gaza was viewed by the regime as an opportunity to divert attention from its internal conflict with the people. However, this tactic proved ineffective, as the deep social divisions within Iran remained palpable.

The war in Palestine and its repercussions did not dampen the Iranian people’s yearning for freedom and basic rights. Protests by various groups, including pensioners, workers, and healthcare professionals, continued unabated in cities across Iran, undeterred by international events.

The regime’s acknowledgment of its war with the people is evident in statements by officials like Mehdi Siari, deputy of IRGC intelligence, who labels the people as the ‘enemy.’ Internal disputes within the regime further underscore the widening gap between the government and the nation.

The ongoing war between the Iranian people and the regime is rooted in deep-seated class divisions, economic hardships, social crises, and institutionalized corruption and discrimination. Despite the regime’s attempts, the people’s pursuit of their rights persists, and foreign influences have failed to suppress the fundamental conflict at the heart of Iranian society.

As the struggle intensifies, the regime’s grip on power weakens. The people’s resilience is evident in various forms of protest, from widespread demonstrations to the demands for justice by families of those killed in recent protests. The hunger strikes of political prisoners persist, reflecting the ongoing fight for fundamental rights and the desire for a government that truly represents the people.

Moreover, the regime’s attempts to quell dissent through media control and internal repression are increasingly futile. Even staunch supporters of the government find themselves disillusioned, as the chasm between the government and the nation widens. The regime’s internal conflicts, exemplified by statements from figures like Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i, Chief Justice of Iran, cautioning against self-destruction, highlight the severity of the internal crisis.

The recent crisis in Gaza, despite the regime’s hopes, did not succeed in diverting attention from the people’s grievances. The Iranian people remain vigilant, recognizing that foreign conflicts cannot silence their demands for justice, freedom, and a government accountable to its citizens.

As the war between the people and the regime persists, even regime officials are forced to acknowledge the gravity of the situation. Mehdi Siari’s admission of the ongoing war and the need for vigilance against enemy plots reflects the regime’s fear of losing control.

The external threats perceived by figures like Hossein Salami, head of the IRGC, reveal the regime’s paranoia about the continuation of this internal war. The widening gap between the nation and the government has reached even the most ardent supporters of the regime, leading to internal discord that further weakens the regime’s hold on power.

In essence, the people of Iran remain steadfast in their pursuit of justice, freedom, and basic rights. The regime’s attempts to suppress dissent and cover up internal crises have failed, as the roots of the conflict run deep within Iranian society. The ongoing war between the people and the regime cannot be obscured by superficial crises. The Iranian people’s resilience, showcased in their daily protests and demands for a better future, demonstrates that the struggle for a just and free society is undeterred by external conflicts or internal repression.

Originally published at on January 1, 2024.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.