Iran’s Regime Is Aware of Its Inevitable Destruction But Seeks to Delay It

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2020
Iran: Students Protests in Tehran — January 12, 2020

Saeed Moidfar, a sociologist in Iran’s regime, told the state-run Etemad Online website that the mullahs’ regime is doomed. The convict is aware of himself and knows that nothing but destruction awaits him, and he only tries to delay his destruction by continuing his wrong path.

Moidfar is a retired associate professor in the sociology department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tehran. He became an advisor to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in Hassan Rouhani’s government.

The sociologist of the regime considered the collapse of the ruling regime in Iran inevitable due to the accumulation of problems and contradictions, and referring to the collapse of the Plasco building, said that “the collapse of the Iranian regime in the general passivity of government and society and in the impossibility of political activism both inside and outside will happen either outside the government or even between insiders and outsiders. The accident management of the Plasco building is a symbol of the country’s management,” Saeed Moiedfar said.

In an interview with Etemad Online on May 18, 2020, Moidfar said: “The system imagines that if it shows the slightest weakness and makes the slightest change, it cannot adapt to that change.”

Therefore, the country’s ruling system is not present and is not able to change its procedures. Not because, according to Moiedfar, the mullahs’ regime is unaware of the nature and depth of their and the country’s problems.

On the contrary, according to Moidfar, because the country’s leaders are aware of the problems and know what is going on in front of them, they are moving in the wrong direction, because if they want to go back the wrong way for a moment, the speed will be so fast that it may increase the speed at which the regime collapses.

“That is why the Iranian regime is moving in the wrong direction, hoping that ‘this destruction will go back a little bit,’” he said.

Moidfar added: “The result of this false trend is distrust, as well as the spread of corruption and inefficiency” and, of course, the “deepening of the vast gap between government and society makes it more in-depth.”

The latest example of this, according to Moidfar, is the crisis caused by the coronavirus in the country, which “occurred due to shortcomings or serious opportunism in not closing borders, especially with China, which is an ally of the regime, and as a result, Iran became the second country to contract the disease.” The virus spread to the region, and the disaster befell the people.

Elsewhere in the interview, Moidfar said: “The huge gap between the people and the system has become so apparent and so deep in society that there is no longer a need for secrecy.” He went on to say that now even the rift and mistrust “has spread to the inner layers of the government.”

“Today, the possibility of activism has been taken away from both insiders and outsiders. That is, we are in a situation where we are practically all moving in one direction, and we are all being pushed in this direction.” And this position, according to this sociologist of the regime, is the inevitable collapse of the system, and no force can prevent it.

According to Moidfar, from now on, a simple incident could cause the system to collapse in the general passivity, just as: “A small incident like a picnic gas turned the whole Plasco building into a mound of dirt at once.”

Moidfar concluded: “What has troubled the system is its behavior; it is a framework that it has created for itself and closed all the doors of change to itself and has accelerated in the wrong direction that society and it will bring down the country.”

The interview concludes that we must sit down and see what happens next.

No, it is not like that. In the current situation where the mullahs’ regime is at a deadly social and economic deadlock and besieged by all kinds of crises, including the outbreak of coronavirus, sitting on the sidelines is not the solution.

The widespread dissatisfaction and uprisings of the Iranian people, especially the recent uprisings in November 2019 and January 2020, led by the organized Iranian Resistance (the MEK Resistance Units) across the country, are leading the regime to its inevitable fate of overthrow.

Originally published at on May 20, 2020.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.