Iran’s Regime Killed Aylar Haghi Medical Student During Nationwide Protests

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
Jan 1, 2023
Aylar Haghi, a medical student, 23 was killed by the security forces of the Iranian regime

On November 16, security forces in Tabriz killed Aylar Haghi (آیلار حقی), 23.

Aylar Haghi, a medical student, was one of millions of Iranians who took part in nationwide protests. Regime authorities claimed she was not in the protests and died because of falling from a height.

But witnesses say security forces shot her at point-blank range during protests in Tabriz. Security forces threatened her family and tried to force them to confirm the regime’s narrative.

Aylar’s funeral turned into a large protest rally against the regime. People of Tabriz reconvened at her grave on the 40th day of her death and held protest rallies.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.