“Surprising” or Deadly Coercion?!

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

By Masoud Dalvand

On February 27, the so-called hardliner gang media, worrying about the next-poisonous cups which the regime should drink, wrote: “History tells us that the high secrecy about talks is a prelude to surprise (regime)!” (Mehdi Mohammadi, member of Jalili negotiator team February 27)

But why surprise? Is it not clear that Khamenei is in the process of all the negotiations of the regime?!

Yes, Khamenei himself has repeatedly said that he is in the process of discussions; therefore, what is for Khamenei and Rouhani in the landscape, is not “surprising”, but a pressure that has forced them to go to the next negotiations. However, “there is not any signal from the Rouhani government”, and finally, this situation is nothing more than coming to the next May and they will say that “we had no choice except to accept their terms”! (Mehdi Mohammadi-February 27)

Cartoon from “Badban بادبان” about drinking of poisonous cup of nuclear deal by Khamenei

The reason for this coercion is nothing but the weakness and fragility of the entire regime in the balance of power. The regime, which at the moment is involved with deadly crises such as, regional wars, economic bankruptcy, the gangs conflict and, most importantly, the Iranian people’s uprising, is so weary that it only has to accept the forced conditions of the opposite side.

It is not unreasonable that the French Foreign Minister, on the eve of the visit of his country’s president to Tehran, humiliates the regime and said:

“Iran’s missile ambition is very worrying!” (February 27),

And New York Times writes: “European diplomats say about the terms of an agreement There is consensus on the plan for ballistic missiles and unrestricted inspections of Iran’s military bases (February 27).

Yes, this situation is a regime that is at a slump, falling under the deadly crises every day, until the people and the Iranian Resistance take the deadly blow to it and be destroyed forever.

Originally published at freedomstarblog.wordpress.com on February 28, 2018.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran. http://about.me/m.dalvand