The End of the Path of Religious Tyranny in Iran

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2022
Time for a Free Iran

After more than four decades of crime and cruelty of the Velayat-e-Faqih (Absolute religious tyranny) regime, the mullahs admit that they have reached the end of the line, and the people are tired of this regime and demand a regime change.

In an interview broadcast by the regime’s News Network on February 9, 2022, with a regime’s cleric naming Mohammad Hossein Raji, he expressed his concern and fear about the regime’s loss of public capital and trust and remembered an event on the eve of the regime’s latest presidential election relating to this issue and said:

“When I spoke to a gentleman, I invited him to vote, and his response was interesting. He said, ‘show me one of the achievements of the Islamic Revolution over the past 42 years; then I will listen to you.’ This is the destructive impact of foreign media operations on the thought of a young person who is now thinking that even in these 43–42 years there were no achievement.”

The Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, acknowledged the stalemate of his regime. In his speeches broadcast by the state-TV on February 8, 2022, he stated:

“My last word is that our enemies — the camp of the enemy, as the enemy is a large camp — have engaged today in a hybrid attack. The enemy’s invasion is a hybrid attack, and that is, it includes economic, political, security, media, and diplomatic aspects. They have begun a hybrid and comprehensive attack in all areas.”

Fearing to name his main enemy by its name, any observer of Iran’s political situation can easily find out that the main enemy of the regime is the people and the Resistance led by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran ( PMOI/MEK).

And today, this Resistance can be seen in the increasing activities of the MEK’s Resistance Units, who try everything to break the regime’s wall of repression. And now we are witnessing many fractures in this wall, which is weakening the regime day by day.

That is why Khamenei and his regime have decided and have desperate attempts over the past 42 years to keep the people weak from the very beginning since the founding of this tyrannic regime, through wars, poverty, deliberately spread of diseases, repression, and whatever they could be done.

Even the regime’s latest decision to restrict the internet and slow down its speed must be added under the column of the regime’s actions to prevent people from getting connected to its main enemy.

Therefore, Khamenei tries in vain to pretend that an imaginary foreign enemy wants to launch a hybrid attack against this regime, while it is the people and the Resistance who use every opportunity to overthrow the regime, and Khamenei is terrified of this union and formation between the people and the Resistance with the leadership of the MEK.

Referring to this imaginary foreign enemy, which Khamenei and the regime’s officials indicate as the USA and the Western countries, the reality over the past 43 years shows us that none of them were a real threat to the regime. And what we have experienced until now as serious policies are just rapprochement and appeasement.

The clearest sign for this policy is the viewpoint of the West and other countries toward the regime’s nuclear case, which has cleared the way for the regime to expand its nuclear program, which was until now not without any consequences, as we can see this in the devastated Middle East.

Expressing his anger and frustration about the MEK’s success in showing the regime’s real face in an interview with the state-TV Channel 2 on February 9, 2022, Raji said:

“Today, the enemy’s plan is a clear plan. It (enemy) wants to say that it has been a shame for 43 years and that a tree that does not bear fruit during this period will not bear fruit from now on; that is, the future will be a dead end.”

Of course, these sentences are not necessarily the exact words about the regime’s condition expressed by one of the regime’s elements. The actual state of the regime is like someone who is drowning, clinging to any straw to save himself.

Originally published at on February 24, 2022.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.