Which Alternative Will Eventually Overthrow the Religious Dictatorship Ruling Iran?

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
6 min readAug 5, 2022

To have a correct perception of the current situation of Iranian society ruled by the regime of Velayat-al-Faqih (absolute rule of the jurisprudence), we take a brief look at the course of political and economic developments in Iran during the year that has passed. This will lead help us to answer the key question of what it takes to overthrow the mullahs’ regime.

What is happening on the Iranian people’s front?

For the past year, the true face of Iran’s cities and towns was reflected by the continuous protests and its growth in size and number.

The constant uprisings of millions of retirees, teachers, workers, nurses, and the public who have been fed up with high prices, inflation, poverty, and unemployment, is a mere glimpse of Iran’s true face.

In addition to nationwide uprisings in the past year, Iranian teachers rallied across the country through 17 uprisings, and retirees took to the street 15 times nationwide. The workers, people rubbed off their assets, and farmers never ceased taking to the streets. The slogans of “Death to Raisi “ has become a common and popular slogan.

This too applies to the slogan of teachers. The movement of educators is ready to rise.

What is happening on Iran’s dictator Khamenei’s front?

One year has passed since Ebrahim Raisi’s tenure. Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Mullahs’ Regime, in his Nowruz message (the beginning of the Iranian New Year on March 21st), called his appointing of mass murderer Raisi “the first and sweetest moment of last year” for his regime. This shows the position of Ebrahim Raisi in Khamenei’s survival strategy. For two years, Khamenei kept repeating at every meeting that the government’s way out of the impasse would be to establish a young Hezbollah state!

Yet, after a year, all Khamenei’s hopes were dashed. Raisi, instead of being the solution, has now become a problem.

Raisi, who took office with the deceptive slogan of “justice” to dupe at least a small part of society to support him, has quickly become the most hated face of the mullahs’ regime. In so far that, the slogan of “death to Raisi” has become a common slogan in protests.

Because of his role in the 1988 massacre, Ebrahim Raisi, known as the mass murderer of 1988, quickly faced the expansion of the justice seeking movement for the victims of the 1988 massacre. He has lost the possibility of traveling to democratic countries out of fear of arrest and prosecution.

Khamenei’s strategy has failed miserably as instead of unity and cohesion, he has brought more contradiction, division, and conflict to life for his regime. Khamenei’s ordeal goes further, as he has lost his trust in key commanders of the IRGC and his security forces.

The Revolutionary Guards ( IRGC) and the regime’s intelligence apparatus were penetrated from the outside and have suffered the blows of espionage numerous times.

On its nuclear development project, the regime’s deadlock has taken Khamenei by the throat. By appointing Raisi as president, Khamenei has brought his regime to a stage where even acquiring an atomic bomb cannot save him from being overthrown.

Because by bringing Raisi, Khamenei clearly displays that the primary conflict is neither with America or Europe nor its nuclear crisis, but with the people of Iran, who do not want this regime of religious tyranny. In other words, the explosive power of the people is much stronger than the atomic bomb that Khamenei pursues.

Therefore, Khamenei cannot pull himself out of the vicious circle of the JCPOA. The Nuclear talks are in a complete deadlock; whichever way it goes, his regime is the first loser. If he continues the policy of the last 18 months, he is on the verge of being overthrown.

What is happening on the Resistance front?

Unlike the mullahs’ regime, which is deadlocked at every door, the organized Iranian Resistance is now positioned superior in the balance of power.

The Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, who act as the anti-suffocation arm of the Resistance and the spark factor for the uprisings have elevated tremendously during the past year. A slight expansion of anti- suffocation operations along with several large-scale attacks on government systems and sites have produced a stunning show of strength of the Resistance Units. They have quickly turned into a beacon of hope for the community.

In addition, the attack on several IRGC bases in Tehran and other cities sets an example for the young people convinced of the necessity of Resistance to overthrow the regime that the current situation and atmosphere of intimidation can be overcome.

The global recognition of the Resistance Units is due to their outstanding performance in the past year.

Even in prison, and being exposed to severe torture, the Resistance Units members have now turned prisons into centers of Resistance.

The major achievements of the Iranian Resistance during the last year in prestigious international courts and the conviction of criminals such as Hamid Noury and Assadollah Assadi, once again proved the power of logic and authenticity of the Iranian Resistance and the campaign they have embarked on recently in the Belgian court is a part of this continuous battle.

The visit of US officials such as Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo to Ashraf 3, the headquarters of the Iranian Resistance in Albania, and the annual gathering in Ashraf 3 with the participation of hundreds of international personalities show the position of this Resistance and its elevation.

Is there another front?

It is obvious that the Resistance Front and the People’s Front are in fact a unified front, and we have made this distinction only for a more detailed analysis. Now the question is, are there other actors in the scene?

The fact is that there are many actors in the virtual world theoretically. The remnants of the monarchy in different and colorful spectrums, elements of the fallout from the regime, again in different colors and backgrounds, ranging from students to mullahs and those disappointed in the camp of fake reformers, etc.

Yet, if we are to verify the claims of these actors with actions indicating their intention to overthrow the regime, we will see that all of them are in the mullahs’ front, and they are rejected groups who have never taken a step to overthrow this regime.

Can the regime of religious tyranny be overthrown?

We examined the current balance between the People’s Front, Iran’s organized Resistance, and Khamenei’s demonic front. Our conclusion is that everything is improving and progressing in the people’s front and the Resistance. But on Khamenei’s front, everything is going down, and the strategic reserves are being used.

From this day on, as we have seen in the experience of the Ukrainian people fight, when the element of Resistance is willing to pay the price, the path for fighting and Resistance will be paved, and the world will be forced to respect its cause.

Millions of the oppressed people of Iran are ready to pursue and claim their rights from the 43-year oppression that has been inflicted on them. This movement will win against the Velayat al-Faqih regime (absolute religious dictatorship) and its corrupt and disorganized IRGC.

Therefore, the flag of Resistance and uprising should be raised over rooftops of every neighborhood and every street of all Iran’s cities. This is our path to victory.

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the president-elect of the National Council of Iran ( NCRI) said: “The special feature of this era is that regardless of the fact that the regime in Iran abandons or keeps its nuclear program, it will face an outbreak of uprisings where the PMOI/MEK and its Resistance Units will play their leading role.”

Originally published at https://iranfreedom.org on August 5, 2022.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran. http://about.me/m.dalvand