The Warren Records — Hull.

Daniel Cook
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2017

For the past 4 years of my life, the Warren have helped me and my band with our ambitions in the Music Industry. Whether it be recording our single and helping us get gigs or for a chat when we need some advice, they have always being there. As they are for all young people in Hull.

Many of Hull bands first recordings where in this studio, bands that have gone on to tour the UK and be played on national radio stations.

I travelled back to Hull to speak to Stew Baxter (Head of Warren Records) to discuss how projects like The Warren help young people. This is the first of many projects I hope to highlight like the Warren.

The Warren not only offers a Music Studio, it also offers Counselling and Sexual Health Clinics for young people, the integration of Mental Health and Music a open topic at the Warren.

Enough said, here it is -

Check out the amazing talent coming out of this little studio here -

