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Escape the Agency Owner’s Trap — Unleash Your Full Potential

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2023


The freedom to set your own hours, be your own boss, and choose the projects that pique your interest is enticing to many agency owners.

Agency owners envision a future of creative liberty, financial independence, and time flexibility.

However, many fall into what I call the Agency Owner’s Trap.

It’s that ensnaring pitfall that stealthily derails your agency journey from a smooth highway to a torturous off-road course.

Here’s a reality check — The Agency Owner’s Trap is real.

It’s no bedtime story to frighten newbie agency owners.

And the worst part? You might already be in it without even knowing.

That’s right.

So what exactly is the Agency Owner’s Trap?

I’m glad you asked. ;-)

You’re in the Agency Owner’s Trap if you —

  • Are not sure when or where your next project will come from
  • Don’t feel like you’re being paid what you’re worth
  • Feel stuck competing for low prices projects on freelance marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr, and 99designs

The trap is insidious, like a riptide dragging you slowly and inexorably away from the shore of your dreams.

The key to escaping is first recognizing that you’re caught.

It begins with an incessant need to say yes to every project that comes your way, then transitions into a constant scramble to meet impossible deadlines, which soon morphs into undercharging for your agency’s valuable skills.

Each of these steps takes you deeper into the agency trap, chipping away at your creativity, energy, time, and, ultimately, your agency’s future.

The Agency Owner’s Frankenstein — Stitching Together a Monstrosity

Like Dr. Frankenstein, we often create our own monsters.

In our case, it’s the agency lifestyle that becomes the uncontrollable beast, growing exponentially until it takes over our entire life.

You start to feel constantly overwhelmed, always on edge, grappling with a work-life balance that teeters dangerously on the precipice of non-existence.

If you’re nodding your head, we’re looking at your very own Agency Owner’s Frankenstein.

Over-commitment is the first stitch in this grotesque creation.

By saying ‘yes’ to every job, you’re not only overloading your schedule but also diluting your focus.

The result? Mediocre work that neither you nor your clients are truly satisfied with.

The next stitch comes in when you don’t properly value your work. While starting with low rates might seem like a necessary evil to get your foot in the door, it can quickly become a habit.

You undercharge, clients, undervalue, and this vicious cycle continues, squeezing you dry and leaving you resentful.

Finally, the last stitch that completes this beast is the lack of personal time. Agency work blurs the lines between work and personal life.

If not managed, work can consume every waking moment, leaving little room for anything else.

Remember, you aren’t a machine. You need time to recharge, rejuvenate, and just be human.

If you let work invade this personal space, the monster takes over completely, destroying your sanity and your agency’s future.

Lighting the Beacon — How to Avoid the Agency Owner’s Trap

Now that we’ve seen the monster and identified its roots let’s arm ourselves with the tools to slay it and steer clear of the Agency Owner’s Trap.

Learn to Say No — As challenging as it might sound, the ability to say ‘no’ is a weapon every agency owner should possess.

It’s not about rejecting work, but about knowing your limits, preserving your focus, and prioritizing quality over quantity.

Remember, it’s your skill and quality that will carve your niche in the agency world, not the number of projects you juggle.

Value Your Work — Your skills, time, and creativity are valuable. Never sell yourself short. Clients who appreciate your work will understand this and are more likely to form long-term partnerships.

Charging what you’re worth not only helps in sustaining your agency business but also boosts your self-confidence.

Set Boundaries — Create a clear distinction between work time and personal time. Have a dedicated workspace, set specific working hours, and ensure your clients respect these boundaries.

Remember, personal time isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity. You need it to maintain your creativity, productivity, and mental well-being.

Agency work is a roller-coaster ride — it has its highs and lows, thrills, and scares. But falling into the Agency Owner’s Trap is not an inevitable part of this journey.

It’s avoidable if you’re self-aware, assertive, and disciplined. So, avoid the quicksands, tame your Agency Owner’s Frankenstein, and light your beacon.

Your agency’s future is in your hands. Don’t destroy it — sculpt it into a masterpiece that’s uniquely yours.

Agency Accelerator

I know what it’s like to struggle as an agency owner, but I also know what it takes to build a multiple 7-figure agency.

And now, with Agency Accelerator, I’m offering my expertise and experience to help other agency owners achieve their income and lifestyle goals.

But it’s not for you if you have more projects than your agency can handle, AND you’re already consistently hitting your revenue and profit goals.

If not, this may be the most important thing you need.

The truth is, if you don’t have a steady stream of qualified inquiries about your services — you simply CAN NOT survive as an agency owner.

And even if you do survive, it will be a miserable existence!

But even if you’re getting a lot of inquiries, if you’re not converting at least 50% of those inquiries into high-paying, profitable clients, then it’s like trying to run a race with weights around your ankles.

So if you’re ready to take your agency business to the next level and achieve the income and lifestyle you desire, apply for the Agency Accelerator to learn more.

I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and grow your agency!


— Wayne



Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉