Making Every Customer Feel Valued, Without Breaking the Bank

A smart way to save money without losing customers

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Photo by Miguelangel Miquelena on Unsplash

Customers are simple.

They don’t care which department responds to their needs, or how cost-effective it is.

They just want promises kept.

As your business grows, you will work to create systems and processes to improve operational efficiency.

But if you’re not intentional, those systems and processes will be self-serving and not customer-centric.

Here’s a peek into some common scenarios:

1. The Ring of Indifference

A customer calls. They need help, maybe just some info. They dial the number, expecting a friendly voice.

But what do they get?

A cold, automated response. A robotic voice guiding them to press one, two, or three.

It’s efficient, sure. But is it friendly? No.

Let’s take a step back.

Imagine being in their shoes. You have a concern. You decide to call. You expect a human on the other end. Someone to understand, to help.

But all you get is a machine.

Now, businesses want efficiency. It saves time and money. It’s smart on paper. But what about the customer’s feelings?

Expert Shep Hyken says,

“The greatest technology in the world has not replaced the ultimate relationship-building tool between a customer and a business — the human touch.”

He’s onto something.

Let’s dive into this with a story.

Meet Emma. She calls your business. She has a simple question. It’s important to her. She dials the number and waits for a response.

  • Ring…
  • Ring…
  • Ring…

No human voice. Just a cold, sterile automated menu. It feels alien. It’s off-putting.

What does Emma feel?

Frustration. Maybe disappointment. A simple desire for human interaction is unmet.

The message? Efficiency over empathy.

Now, contrast this.

A human answers. They listen. They understand. They help. Emma’s happy. She feels valued. It’s a different narrative.

Dave Thomas of Wendy’s nails it. He says,

“Friendly, courteous service… That is the very foundation of what we are.”

So, what’s the real cost of that automated response?

It’s not just about saving time or cutting costs. It’s about a missed chance. A chance to connect, to show you care.

Every unanswered call is a missed opportunity. It’s a signal, loud and clear.

It loudly says,

“We value efficiency over you.”

It’s a tough pill to swallow.

Operational efficiency is good. But not at the cost of customer satisfaction. Not when it risks losing trust, and loyalty.

So, think twice. Next time the phone rings, what will your customer hear?

Efficiency or empathy?

The answer might just reshape your customer service ethos.

2. Email Etiquette

Email. It’s a small task. Simple, right?

You get one. It’s a customer, seeking help. You see it, but decide to tackle it later.

Later, you responded.

But when did you respond? Instantly? After a day, or two?

Let’s dwell on this.

Picture a customer, let’s name him Tom. He’s got a problem. It’s urgent for him. He drafts an email, and hits send. Now, he waits.

The clock ticks. One hour, two, then a day. Still no reply.

Tom feels neglected. The silence is loud, it speaks volumes. It says, “You’re not a priority.

Here’s a bitter truth.

David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising, once said,

“If you ever find a man who is better than you are — hire him. If necessary, pay him more than you pay yourself.”

This holds true even in responding to emails.

Let’s dissect this.

You have a system. Check emails twice a day, to save time. It looks good on paper. But, what about Tom? What about his urgency?

It’s a fine line.

Checking emails less often might save time. But at what cost? A disappointed Tom, perhaps many Toms. A tarnished image.

The cost of efficiency is becoming clearer.

Now, shift the scenario.

You check emails frequently. You respond promptly. Tom’s happy. He feels valued. It’s a different ball game.

Experts chime in on this.

Hiver’s CEO Niraj Ranjan Rout says,

“Email is not just a communication tool. It’s a representation of your organization’s values.”

He’s spot on.

Responding timely to emails, it’s not just courteous. It’s a reflection of your values. It says,

“We care. We’re here.”

  • It’s about a culture of empathy, of prompt responses.
  • It’s about showing you value every interaction.

So, what does your email etiquette say about you?

Is it a tale of neglect, or a narrative of value? Are you just chasing efficiency, or building relationships too?

Take a pause, and reflect.

Your email response time, it’s more than just a reply. It’s a message, a loud one. It says a lot about your brand and your values.

A swift reply might seem small. But its impact is big, very big.

So, next time an email pops in, think twice. Is a delayed response worth a disappointed customer?

The answer might just be the key to enhanced customer satisfaction.

3. Not accepting certain forms of payment

It’s a common scene.

A customer reaches the checkout, card in hand. But alas, their card isn’t accepted. A hiccup, a roadblock on their shopping journey.

It’s about choices.

Lily’s at your store, ready to buy. She pulls out her American Express, PayPal, or others

But you don’t accept it. It’s a cost-saving move.

But what’s the cost really?

Lily leaves, her basket abandoned. She’s not just leaving your store. She’s carrying a negative experience with her.

Experts weigh in.

Finance guru Dave Ramsey says,

“People are in such a hurry to launch their product or business that they seldom look at marketing from a bird’s eye view and they don’t create a systematic plan.”

He’s right.

Are we so focused on saving that tiny transaction fee that we overlook the bigger picture? The customer’s ease and comfort?

Let’s break it down.

What are we really saving?

  • A few bucks on transaction fees.
  • A little more on the monthly statement.

What are we really losing?

  • A potential loyal customer.
  • Word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Positive reviews and ratings.

It’s a stark contrast.

Now, onto the solution.

The formula could be as simple as A + B = C. Where,

  • A is Accepting more payment methods.
  • B is Better customer satisfaction.
  • C is Continued business growth.

It’s not rocket science.

More payment options, happier customers. It’s a simple equation with profound impacts.

But what about the fees?

Consider it an investment. An investment in customer satisfaction. An investment in your brand’s reputation.

So, the next time a customer reaches for their card, be ready. Accept it with a smile. It’s not just a payment. It’s a sign of trust, a step towards building a loyal customer base.

Your choice of payment options, it’s not just a business decision. It’s a statement. It says,

“We value your choice.”

Take a pause, and reflect.

Are your payment options welcoming customers? Or sending them away?

The answer might just be the key to unlocking a treasure trove of loyal customers, waiting to be discovered.

Bottom line:

In the bustling arena of business, the spotlight often shines on operational efficiency.

It’s a star player, no doubt.

But let’s not forget the audience, our customers. They’re the critics, the cheerleaders, the ones we aim to impress.

We’ve traipsed through the lanes of human touch, email etiquette, and payment inclusivity.

Each is a scene with its own set of actors, yet all under the grand narrative of customer-centricity.

  • Human Interaction — It’s the warm handshake in a digital world, a hum amidst the robotic clatter.
  • Email Responsiveness — It’s not merely about hitting reply; it’s about echoing your values through the virtual corridors.
  • Payment Flexibility — It’s about opening doors, welcoming in with a smile, every swipe, every tap.

The core essence? Harmonization.

A delicate balance between the drive for operational finesse and the embrace of customer warmth.

It’s not about racing to the end, it’s about enjoying the dance and making sure our customers are swaying along.

Your operational maneuvers, they’re not mere strategies. They’re a statement, a narrative of what you hold dear.

In the grand theatre of business, amidst the applause for efficiency, let’s not forget the silent, hopeful eyes of our customers.

They’re not just spectators; they’re the reason the show goes on.

Serve them well…

Or someone else will.



About the author

Meet Wayne, a loving husband and dad of four, the creative force behind Ugly Mug Marketing.

Through the Agency Accelerator, he guides aspiring agency owners through exciting yet challenging journeys.

He’s the author of Full Circle Marketing. his book isn’t just ink on paper; it’s a guiding light in the marketing maze. It’s touched over 250,000 entrepreneurs and freelancers across 100 industries, reshaping their marketing game.

Wayne’s aim is simple yet striking. He mentors agency owners to move from hunting projects to boasting a client waitlist, nurturing growth in both business and life.

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Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉