The True Leadership Team Checklist — A Challenge for Agency Owners

Warning: this is what no one is willing to say, so I will.

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Wayne Mullins. Fireyourself. Leadership. Team Building
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Are you a real leader? Or do you just wear the title?

The difference between the two can be the defining factor for the success or failure of your business.

As an agency owner, your leadership team can make or break your company’s progress.

And it’s not about titles or perks. It’s about actions, values, and the willingness to push the envelope.

But how do you know if you have a true leadership team?

Here’s the essential checklist that can transform your business and put you on the path to success.

Ready to challenge yourself? Ready to embrace what true leadership means?

Dive in, and let’s get real.

Your team is waiting. Your agency is ready. Are you?

Signs You Don’t Have a True Leadership Team

Agency owners, it’s time to face the uncomfortable truth.

Sometimes, what we think is leadership is nothing but a mirage. Let’s dig deeper into the indicators that might reveal a lack of true leadership within your team.

The insights here may surprise you, challenge you, but above all, guide you towards a path of transformation.

Making All the Calls

You’re at the helm. You’re in charge. But are you the only one making decisions?

If so, it might be time to pause and reflect.

Leadership is not a one-person show. It’s a collaborative effort that thrives on diverse viewpoints and collective wisdom.

  • When you make all the calls, what message are you sending to your team?
  • Are you conveying trust?
  • Are you encouraging them to think critically and contribute their ideas?

Imagine the power of a team where everyone’s insights are valued and encouraged.

Isn’t that what leadership should be about?

Solving Every Big Issue

It’s tempting to be the hero. To step in and solve every problem.

But is that leadership?

Real leaders nurture an environment where problem-solving is a shared responsibility. They guide, mentor, and sometimes, they step back to let others take the lead.

If you’re solving every big issue, ask yourself, “Am I encouraging dependency?

What happens when you’re not there? Will your team stand still, unable to proceed without your guidance?

It’s time to foster independence, creativity, and innovation.

Micromanaging Every Task

Monitoring every task might make you feel in control.

But is it control or is it fear?

Micromanagement stifles creativity, curbs enthusiasm, and erodes trust.

Instead of growing, your team might feel suppressed and undervalued.

What could your team achieve if you let go a little? If you believed in their abilities? What if you coached instead of control?

Being the Sole Expert

Expertise is valuable, but monopolizing knowledge is limiting.

If you’re the only expert in crucial areas, ask yourself, “Am I sharing my knowledge?” “Am I allowing others to grow?

A true leader wants their team to outshine them. They want to see them thrive and excel.

Being the sole expert is not a sign of strength.

It’s a vulnerability that could cripple your team’s progress.

Your Business Stalls When You’re Away

Vacation should be a time to recharge, not a time to worry about your business stalling.

If your business can’t function without you, something’s amiss.

Leadership means building a system and a team that can function seamlessly in your absence.

  • What are you missing?
  • What needs to change?

Your next vacation might be a lot more relaxing if you find out.

Doubting Your Team’s Honesty

Trust is the foundation of leadership. Without trust, everything else falls apart.

If you doubt your team’s honesty, you need to explore why.

Is it them, or is it you? What needs to be rebuilt? How can you cultivate a culture where honesty is not just expected but celebrated?

No One Challenges Your Mistakes

A yes-man culture is a dead-end.

If no one challenges you, if no one dares to point out your mistakes, how will you grow? How will your team grow?

Leadership is about learning, adapting, and growing together.

It’s about respect, not fear.

It’s about truth, not conformity. Encourage dissent. Embrace challenges.

That’s where growth happens.

Always Pushing for More, More, More

Ambition is great.

But blind ambition? That’s dangerous.

If you’re always pushing for more without recognizing and appreciating the efforts of your team, you risk burning them out.

Leadership is about balance. It’s about knowing when to push and when to praise.

Celebrate the wins. Acknowledge the hard work.

Then, and only then, push for more.

Leadership isn’t a title. It’s an action. It’s a commitment. It’s a responsibility.

If any of these signs resonate with you, don’t be disheartened. Instead, embrace them as opportunities to transform, grow, and become the leader your team needs.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being real, being honest, and being ready to make the necessary changes.

Signs You Do Have a True Leadership Team

Congratulations! You’ve made it past the tough questions and the hard truths of the above section. Now it’s time to celebrate the positive.

These are the signs that indicate you’re on the right path, and that you’ve cultivated a true leadership team within your agency.

Let’s dive into what makes a genuine leadership team and why these indicators are so vital for your success.

Only Key Decisions Reach Your Desk

Picture your desk without the constant clutter of minor decisions. Imagine having the space and time to focus on what truly matters. Isn’t that empowering?

If only key decisions reach your desk, it’s a sign of trust, collaboration, and competence within your team.

It means your team is handling the rest, thinking critically, and taking ownership. They know when to come to you, and they know when to handle things themselves.

  • How did you achieve this balance?
  • What can you do to sustain it?

This is true leadership in action.

Your Team Tackles Problems Before They Reach You

A problem-solving team is a thriving team.

If your team is proactive in identifying and resolving issues before they escalate to you, give yourself a pat on the back.

It signifies a culture of responsibility, foresight, and teamwork.

It means you’ve nurtured an environment where people don’t shy away from challenges but face them head-on.

  • What’s your secret sauce here?
  • How have you fostered this culture of empowerment?

Reflect on it and keep building.

Your Team Outshines You in Their Fields

There’s a unique joy in seeing someone you’ve mentored outshine you. It’s a testament to their growth and your leadership.

If your team members are becoming experts in their fields, surpassing even you, it’s time to celebrate.

It means you’ve encouraged learning, experimentation, and excellence.

  • How did you support their growth?
  • What environment did you create to help them thrive?

Keep doing that. That’s leadership.

Post-Vacay, Your Business Shines Brighter

You’re back from vacation, and your business is not just surviving, it’s thriving! What a feeling!

This success signifies that you’ve built a resilient, self-sustaining team.

They know their roles, they embrace their responsibilities, and they’re committed to excellence, even in your absence.

  • How did you build this independence?
  • How can you ensure it continues?

Reflect and rejoice, leader, because you’ve done something right.

Your Team Hits You with Hard Truths

Hearing the truth can be tough, but embracing it is a sign of strength.

If your team doesn’t hesitate to hit you with hard truths, it reflects a culture of honesty, respect, and openness.

It means they trust you enough to be real with you. They know their voice matters, and they know you’ll listen.

  • How did you cultivate this culture of honesty?
  • What can you do to ensure it endures?

It’s worth exploring.

Your Team Strives for Excellence Relentlessly

Excellence is not a one-time achievement; it’s a continuous pursuit.

If your team strives for excellence relentlessly, it’s a sign of motivation, dedication, and a shared vision.

They’re not settling for good enough. They’re pushing boundaries, raising standards, and taking your business to new heights.

  • How have you inspired this relentless pursuit?
  • What fuels this fire?

Reflect on it, because this is what leadership is all about.

Building a true leadership team isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. It’s about recognizing the signs, nurturing the right culture, and constantly adapting and growing.

If these signs resonate with you, take a moment to appreciate what you’ve achieved. But don’t stop there. Keep nurturing, keep building, keep leading.

Your team looks up to you. Your business depends on you. And you have what it takes to keep soaring.

True leadership isn’t a title you claim. It’s a title you earn, every single day.

Closing Thought

The journey to genuine leadership is not about fancy titles or mere labels.

It’s about substance, integrity, and building a team you’d follow without hesitation.

As an agency owner, you’re faced with a choice:

  • Are you merely directing or truly inspiring?
  • Are you controlling or trusting?
  • Are you stifling potential or nurturing growth?

These questions are not just reflections; they’re calls to action.

They are challenges to rise above the ordinary and embrace leadership that’s about empowering, trusting, and leading with authenticity.

Don’t settle for less when it comes to leadership. Your business’s success, your team’s growth, and your own fulfillment as a leader are at stake.

Build a team of genuine leaders — people you’d follow in a heartbeat. Your business will thrive. Skip this, and your growth will stay stuck.

The road to true leadership is waiting. It’s not the easiest path, but it’s the most rewarding.

Are you ready to take that step?

Your team is waiting. Your business is ready. And your calling as a true leader is too profound to ignore.

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Peace & love,



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Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉