Who, What, When, Where: How to Hire a Perfect TEAM

Hire slow. Fire fast.

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

You just landed a massive project and your inbox is bombarding you with deadlines. I get it; the temptation is high to rush into hiring the first person who can string a sentence together.

But let’s pause. What if I told you that this urgency is a mirage? That your hasty decision to bring someone aboard can actually steer your agency right into an iceberg?

That’s right, agency owners, you’ve got to slow down in order to speed up.

Here’s why and how.

Hire Slow, Fire Fast — The Golden Rule

You might’ve heard this before: “Hire slow, fire fast.” There’s a reason why this advice is as solid as gold.

Think about it. If you’re rushing into hiring decisions, you’re more likely to overlook red flags, misalign values, or even ignore essential skill gaps.

Trust me; the aftershocks of a hasty hire can ripple through your business like a tsunami.

So what’s the solution? Be deliberate and meticulous.

Until you’re absolutely clear about the role you’re filling and the specific goals this individual will be accountable for, you shouldn’t even be drafting that job ad.

Imagine hiring someone and not knowing what they’ll do.

Sounds like a chaos recipe, right?

Cut Through the Noise with Clear Roles and Goals

Clearly defining the role is non-negotiable.

This isn’t just about jotting down a list of tasks; this is about understanding how this individual will contribute to your larger vision.

What goals will they pursue?

What are the key performance indicators (KPIs)?

Etc. Etc. Eetc.

We, for instance, swear by the Kolbe Assessment. This tool helps us identify the candidates’ natural work styles and allows us to align these with the roles we are hiring for.

I mean, why try to fit a square peg in a round hole? The alignment between a role and an individual’s natural work style can be a game-changer.

Do you have your own methods for ensuring such alignment?

Once roles and goals are as clear as daylight, what’s next? Gauge their excitement about being a part of your vision.

If they’re not excited, they’re not right for your agency, period.

An employee who’s just clocking hours is not who you need. You need team members who share your enthusiasm and passion for what you’re building.

One more important thing to consider before you draft that offer letter, let the candidates in on your company culture and expectations. This is as good a time as any to lay it all out.

  • Can they live up to your standards?
  • Do they respect your values?

If they’re comfortable and enthusiastic, you’ve got yourself a match.


Okay, so you’ve made the offer, they’ve accepted, and now it’s Day 1.

This is where many agency owners drop the ball. Your new team member shouldn’t be plunged into work right off the bat.

Why? Because this isn’t a race; it’s more like a marathon. The first couple of weeks should be all about orientation. This is when you get to train them on how you operate within your core values.

And don’t forget to lead with trust. Inform them that their word, explicit or implicit, is their bond.

Every action they take either builds trust or sows seeds of suspicion. What path will they tread?

And yes, don’t underestimate the power of fresh eyes. Seek their feedback; it could be more insightful than you think!

It’s a Two-Way Street

Recruitment isn’t just about adding manpower; it’s about forging partnerships with individuals who will contribute to the growth and success of your agency.

And remember, perfection isn’t about finding people who never make mistakes. It’s about finding those who are committed to your vision and are willing to grow alongside your agency.

So, next time you’re about to send out that job offer, pause. Have you ticked all these boxes?

There’s no better time than now to elevate your hiring game. After all, the future of your agency is only as good as the team you build.

Are you up for the challenge?

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Peace & love,

Wayne Mullins


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Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉 linktr.ee/fireyourself