You Don’t Need More Motivation. You Need A Positive Feedback Punch

The Secret To Putting Yourself Through Tough Tasks

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Fireyourself. Wayne Mullins. Full Circle Marketing. Motivation. Feedback. You Don’t Need More Motivation. You Need A Positive Feedback Punch
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Imagine this: You’re sitting alone at your desk. The room is silent, save for the relentless ticking of the clock on the wall.

The white glow of your screen illuminates your face as you stare blankly into the abyss of nothingness. Your heart is pounding, your brain is buzzing, yet you feel utterly stuck.

The cursor blinks at you from an empty document, taunting you, mocking your inability to get started.

But why? You ask yourself, “I’ve done this a thousand times before. Why is it so hard today?” Then, you realize what you’re missing — motivation.

Ah, motivation! It’s that magical spark that turns a sluggish mind into a veritable powerhouse of ideas and actions, right?

If only you had a sprinkle more of it, you’d be back in the game, crushing your to-do list, and conquering the world.

But hold up! What if I told you that you’re barking up the wrong tree? Yes, you heard me right.

I’m here to shake up your worldview, to throw a wrench into your conventional thought gears.

Are you ready for it?

Here it is: You don’t need more motivation. Yes, it sounds controversial, perhaps even unbelievable, but stick with me here.

You see, while you’re stuck in your quest for more motivation, there’s a hidden tool, an ace up your sleeve, that you’re overlooking. It’s called a Positive Feedback Punch.

Intrigued? You should be.

Let’s unpack this and dive into a new realm of productivity where motivation is just the appetizer, but the Positive Feedback Punch — that’s the main course.

The Downward Spiral of False Motivation

Before we dive in, let’s have a quick reality check.

Yes, the business world is tough. It’s a mean, lean fighting machine that never sleeps.

So, it’s no surprise that the majority of us think motivation is the secret sauce to keeping up.

But here’s the harsh truth:

Relying solely on motivation is a slippery slope.

It’s like a sugar rush; it gives you a sudden burst of energy but leaves you crashing hard when it fades away.

Sound productive?

I think not.

Here’s what usually happens: You feel super motivated one day, hustle hard, and get a heap of things done. You’re on fire!

But then the next day rolls around, and your motivation mysteriously vanishes into thin air. Your energy drains faster than your coffee, and you can’t seem to pick up the pace.

So, you beat yourself up, trying to reignite that lost spark. But instead, you end up on a roundabout of disappointment and frustration.

That’s not the road to success. Trust me, there’s a better way.

Positive Feedback — Your Secret Weapon

Let’s shift gears and introduce a new heavyweight contender: Positive Feedback. It’s your coach in the corner of the boxing ring, cheering you on, keeping you moving forward even when you’re on the ropes.

So, what’s the real power of Positive Feedback?

It’s an ongoing cycle of success that fuels consistent action. You do something good, you feel good about it, so you do more.

It’s the sort of cycle you want to be on, right?

Positive Feedback comes in different forms — a satisfied customer, an increase in sales, a compliment from an industry peer.

Each little win can turn into a continuous cycle of positive reinforcement, building momentum and resilience, leading to even bigger victories.

You see, it’s not about revving up your engine to its maximum only to burn out. It’s about maintaining a steady and sustainable pace that keeps you moving toward your goals.

Turning the Positive Feedback Punch into Action

Alright, now that we’ve established the power of the Positive Feedback Punch, how do we put it into action?

It starts with acknowledging every little win and celebrating it.

  • Did you land a new client? Congrats!
  • Did you make progress on a tough project? Well done!
  • Did you get positive feedback from a customer? Kudos! Celebrate it, absorb it, and let it fuel your drive.

The next step is to make positive feedback a key part of your daily routine.

Incorporate it into your team meetings, your one-on-ones, and your self-reflection.

Give it, receive it, live it.

And lastly, use positive feedback to build resilience. It’s about building a positive cycle of reinforcement that picks you up when things go south.

Remember, the journey to success isn’t a straight line. There will be obstacles and setbacks.

That’s where the Positive Feedback Punch comes into play, giving you the strength and resilience to get back up and keep going.

Final Thought

Now, don’t get me wrong, motivation is great. It’s a fantastic Kickstarter.

But to keep the momentum going, to sustain your drive, you need something more reliable, something more durable. You need a Positive Feedback Punch.

Think about it: the most successful entrepreneurs didn’t get where they are purely because they were constantly motivated.

They got there because they celebrated every little victory, absorbed the positive feedback, and used it to keep the momentum going.

So, the next time you find yourself wishing for more motivation, remember this: You don’t need more motivation. What you need is a good old Positive Feedback Punch. Take it, use it, and thrive on it.

Turn your small wins into big victories and let that be the drive that powers your entrepreneurial journey. After all, who needs a sugar rush when you’ve got the power of a Positive Feedback Punch?

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Peace & love,

Wayne Mullins



Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉