Your Strategy Is Worthless If You’re on the Wrong Track

The steps you should take

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Wayne Mullins. Fireyourself
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

You’ve spent hours, days, and even weeks, meticulously planning your business strategy.

Your team is energized. Your vision board is complete. You’ve even got a motivational quote plastered on the wall.

Yet, something’s not right. The ROI isn’t what you expected, the client engagement is lukewarm, and the momentum has slowed down.

Why? You’re on the wrong track, my friend, and no strategy — no matter how ingenious — is going to fix that.

Let’s get real here: Are you ready to hear the truth?

You need a Coach or Mentor

Hey, you! Yes, you. You’ve got big dreams, right? Ambitions that could fill a football field. That’s awesome!

But let’s be real for a second. You’re missing something. An edge, a second set of eyes, that one missing puzzle piece. A coach. A mentor.

It’s not a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have.

Someone to have your back when you’re about to make a rookie mistake.

Ever heard the saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know”? It’s spot on. You might think you’ve got it all figured out. Spoiler alert: You don’t.

And that’s okay. That’s why you need someone who’s already been down this road, who can point out the potholes before you fall in.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin,

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Running a business without a mentor is like sailing the high seas without a compass. Sure, you might eventually get to shore, but at what cost?

  • Time?
  • Resources?
  • Your sanity?

Here’s the deal: Life doesn’t come with a manual, and neither does running a business.

A mentor isn’t just someone to pat you on the back; they’re someone to say, “Hey, You’re about to make a mistake, and here’s why.”

But they won’t just point out the mistake; they’ll walk you through the fix.

So, do you think you can go it alone? Consider this; even the world’s best athletes, the top CEOs, and the artists we admire — they all had mentors. If they see the value, shouldn’t you?

Your mentor isn’t just a problem-fixer, but a door-opener. They introduce you to networks, resources, and opportunities that you wouldn’t even know existed.

Ready to face the music? There’s more.

Here’s another reality check — criticism.

But don’t sweat it; it’s all part of the gig.

Embrace the Criticism

Do you think criticism is the enemy? Think again.

In the realm of business, and especially in the agency world, criticism is often viewed as something to be dodged like a bullet.

But what if I told you that the critiques you’re dodging are actually your most underrated growth tool?

As the writer and philosopher Alain de Botton put it,

“Anyone who isn’t embarrassed about who they were last year probably isn’t learning enough.”

You’ve got your mentor in your corner, helping you grow and navigate those obstacles.

But let’s be real: what good is all that expertise if you’re just going to surround yourself with yes-men and yes-women? You need to hear what you don’t want to hear.

Criticism isn’t a slap in the face; it’s a pat on the back by someone wearing a spiked glove. It stings, yes, but it pushes you forward.

Do you feel that? That’s the sensation of growing thicker skin, of becoming more resilient, more adaptable.

So, how do you make the most of criticism? Simple: listen.

Don’t just hear the words; absorb them. Is the criticism constructive? Does it point out something you’ve been ignoring?

Don’t just deflect it — reflect on it. Understand it. Digest it. And then, respond, but not in defense — respond by taking action to improve.

How to Find the Right Mentor

You’ve absorbed everything we’ve discussed about the need for mentorship and the power of criticism. So, let’s get down to brass tacks.

If you’re fed up with stress and overwhelmed, with running around in circles, it might be time for a game-changing decision.

Who’s got your back on this journey? Here’s a thought: How about someone who’s not just ‘been there, done that,’ but is still doing it — successfully, I might add.

I’ve turned years of navigating the agency maze into an executable plan, distilling 15+ years and over $10 million in agency revenue into actionable steps.

I’ve cracked the code, so you don’t have to.

How’s this for real talk: Your agency could be raking in double its current revenue — in just 100 days. No magic, no fluff. Just a proven system.

Imagine kicking stress to the curb and actually enjoying the ride, complete with:

  • An unshakable understanding of what’s holding you back.
  • An eagle-eye view of the business stage you’re in.
  • Focused strategies tailored just for you.
  • A step-by-step, no-nonsense plan to up those numbers.
  • And here’s the kicker — me, by your side, providing the coaching you need.

Still wondering if this is for you? I get it. Committing to such a transformation is a big step.

So, let’s talk it out. Slide into my DMs, and if I’m confident we can hit those goals, we’ll lock in a complimentary strategy session.

But don’t put this off — because I’m still out here running my agency, I can only offer a limited number of these sessions.

Ready to stop the hustle and start the strategy? Your move.

DM me today.

Till then, dream big and hustle smarter.


P.S. — Just to put some pep in your step, know that this complimentary session offer is limited. Because hey, even mentors have a full plate. So let’s do this. DM, book, transform. Simple as that.



Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉