“Leadership Hopes for Employee Motivation Loops.”

How does democratic leadership influence the effectiveness of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?!

Freelance Citadel
3 min readJan 13, 2024



Democratic leadership:

  • This leadership style is a popular approach that fosters effective team collaboration and decision-making.

Democratic leadership styles influence employee motivation.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

  • The theory posits that individuals have a series of needs that must be fulfilled in a specific order, from physical to higher psychological needs. These needs translate into various aspects that employees seek to fulfill.

The best way to deal with employee motivation is through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

How does democratic leadership influence the effectiveness of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?!

  • Aspects of the Hierarchy Needs:

1) Appling Needs Aspect.

At the base, physical and safety needs have to be met. These include adequate remuneration for necessities such as food, shelter, and a safe working environment. Once these basic needs are satisfied, employees can focus on fulfilling their social needs. These can be met through company social clubs, office parties, and other informal social activities, encouraging open communication and fostering a sense of belonging.

2) Higher Needs Aspect.

As employees move up the hierarchy, they seek to fulfill their self-esteem needs. Recognition of hard work, promotions, rewards, and job titles for prestige purposes can serve this need. The ultimate stage is self-actualization, where employees seek challenging assignments, opportunities for creativity, and tasks that allow them to make unique contributions.

  • The Democratic Leadership Style:

Democratic leadership can effectively address these aspects of need on two levels.

  1. Level One

By allowing employees to contribute their ideas through persuasive or consultative decision-making processes, this leadership style gives employees a sense of purpose and worth. It also helps improve work performance and customer satisfaction by making employees take pride in their jobs.

The aspect of applying needs is addressed and answered to influence the outcomes of the motivation loop.

2. Level Two

Moreover, the democratic leadership style encourages creativity and critical thinking, allowing employees to develop their decision-making skills. It also motivates employees by recognizing their hard work through reward systems such as featuring their names in company newsletters or granting them membership to prestigious clubs.

The aspect of higher needs is addressed and answered to influence the outcomes of the motivation loop.


A democratic leadership style is an approach to motivating employees. It addresses and answers employee needs as outlined in Maslow’s hierarchy and fosters a sense of purpose and worth among employees.

Democratic leadership style proves that motivation can also be achieved through means other than financial rewards.


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Freelance Citadel

I have an MBA from the University of Jordan with more than 20 years of experience in the work environment and academics as a private business management tutor.