“From Concept to Reality: Stages of a New Business.”

How to Structure and Approach a New Business? The Five Key Elements of Structure and Approach Stages

Freelance Citadel
3 min readDec 20, 2023


Photo by Alban Martel on Unsplash


Starting a new business is an exhilarating venture filled with promise and potential. It demands meticulous planning, strategic foresight, and a deep understanding of the models and concepts that shape the business landscape. We will navigate the entrepreneurial landscape journey and explore the five key elements of structure and approach stages for new business models and concepts vital for survival and thriving in the competitive business world.

The Entrepreneurial Landscape Journey

The path to success is for the strong-hearted.

It is crucial to recognize the challenges accompanying any new business inception. The entrepreneurial landscape is fraught with uncertainties, and success is contingent on more than a groundbreaking idea. It demands a structured and comprehensive approach to examining internal and external factors.

The Five Key Elements of Structure and Approach Stages

  1. The Competition Chain Model:

Crafting a competitive advantage.

At the heart of a successful business lies the ability to carve out a niche and offer something unique. The Competition Chain Model emerges as a potent tool for achieving this. By meticulously analyzing the value chain of the business and its competitors, a new business can identify and leverage sources of competitive advantage.

Understanding how to create more value for customers and differentiating from rivals is the cornerstone of success.

2. The Marketing Mix Strategy:

Blueprint for Success.

The next crucial step is crafting a robust marketing strategy with a competitive edge. The Marketing Mix Strategy, encompassing product or service, price, place, and promotion, is the blueprint for success. It guides new businesses in determining product or service features, setting optimal prices, identifying distribution channels, and implementing effective communication methods.

The marketing mix strategy is a holistic approach that ensures reaching and retaining the target market.

3. Environmental Analysis:

Navigating external forces.

In the dynamic world of business, external forces play a pivotal role. Environmental analysis, employing the STEEP model (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political), is indispensable. This tool allows businesses to identify opportunities and threats, foresee industry changes, and understand customer trends.

Further, the Five Forces of Competition model evaluates industry attractiveness and profitability, offering insights to enhance a business’s position.

4. The Information Pyramid:

Transforming data into wisdom.

In the information age, the ability and art of harnessing and utilizing data have become paramount. The Information Pyramid proves invaluable in this endeavor. Organizing data into information, knowledge, and wisdom, this tool guides new businesses in transforming raw data into meaningful insights.

The information pyramid becomes a compass for decision-making, ensuring information is collected and applied judiciously.

5. Leadership and Management:

A symbiotic duo.

business can’t thrive without effective leadership and management. While distinct, these roles are symbiotic, each contributing to the overall success of a new venture. Leadership sets the vision, inspires, and influences, while management plans, organizes, and executes.

Striking a delicate balance between inspiration and execution is the key to a successful business.

Navigating Success in a Dynamic Landscape

Starting a new business is a monumental task. However, armed with the right tools and understanding of crucial models and concepts, the journey becomes manageable and filled with opportunities for success. Those stages are the pillars upon which a new business can build resilience and innovation

Photo by Maxime Horlaville on Unsplash


The entrepreneurial journey is not for the faint-hearted. It demands resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. With the insight gleaned from this guide, step boldly into the entrepreneurial world. Your success story begins now.

Here’s to the journey ahead!


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Freelance Citadel

I have an MBA from the University of Jordan with more than 20 years of experience in the work environment and academics as a private business management tutor.