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I Personally Invite You: To Become our Next Writer

Will it be you?

Freelance HQ
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2023


Hello! Are you looking for a way to grow and share your content?

Look no further, This publication has everything you need.

Now what is this publication?

Freelance Citadel is a place for any and all freelance writers to share there work. rather its a short article or a long one it will be accepted.

The Requirements to Get In :

. You must have at least 50 followers.

. Be willing to upload an article to the publication at least once a month or more.

. No A.I content is allowed. If you use tools to help make it okay, but an entire article that was produced using A.I will not be accepted. I will check for that

. You must like writing and really have a passion for it.

That’s it! there’s not strict formatting or word count.

In the future if this can gain traction I do plan on paying writers for there hard work. More Info on that later I promise.

For now you can use affiliate marketing and keep what you make.

Just keep it professional and not spammy. Quality or quantity here.

What kind of content is allowed?

Any freelance content that’s helpful. this could be a personal story or a guide on how to. preferably you have creative freedom just as long as you don’t go to off topic of the publication.

If you are interested in Joining or have any questions please email me or comment and I will reply within 24 hours.




Freelance HQ
Freelance Citadel

For any aspiring freelancer! Here, you get the facts without the fluff. Join me as we talk about the WHY & HOW, and up to date information. Financial tips too.