How to Revive Your Medium Account

3 simple tricks that nobody talks about

Georgia Smart
Freelance Express
3 min readMar 29, 2024


Photo by Rob Wicks on Unsplash

I know it’s not just me, at the moment everyone who I have spoken too, stats have dropped. Quite low as-well.

I used to average 50 reads a day and now I struggle to get 20, but I haven’t changed anything.

I still produce the same sort of posts at the consistency I’m used to. So how can I change?

Success takes time

I have heard this quote a lot, but to be honest I don’t feel Like I’m getting anywhere, I could wait until a couple of months plodding on with 20 reads or I could try to grab success now.

It’s not greedy if you work hard for it, as 20 reads a day is just not enough that I’m happy with, earning me inbetween $0.50–2 each day.

Take time to go back

Set your laptop up and grab a couple of biscuits, take 30 minutes to look back over your stories. Start with the highest reads ones.

Analyses what you have done differently to now, were they interesting topics? Catchy titles? Realistic / about you posts?

Then switch to your lowest performance posts, do the same with these, seeing where you went wrong, but you haven’t always Made a mistake.

Some days just give you low reads, maybe people are busy or just not seeing your post. So don’t give yourself a hard time

It happens to everyone, but when it happens consistently for a couple of days into weeks that’s A time you need to change.

Try out a new publication

This might sound something so simple, but it can affect your stats massively. If you are always posting in the same pub, each day, receiving 50 claps and a handful of reads.


Yes repetition is good to keep you out there, but that pub might not be right for you. You might focus on topics, they aren’t interested in. So it’s time for a switch up.

Start joining other popular publications, some with the topics your interested in and some that are open to any topic.

Finding a topic with people with similar interests with you should surely gain you more reads and this is something I’m about to try.

I will admit for a while now I have stayed posting in the same two pubs, day in and day out. I got stuck in a routine of posting:

  • One in the morning in a pub
  • One in the afternoon in a different pub
  • One in the night back in the first pub

And it’s pretty much got me nowhere. So don’t be afraid of change, take the leap into the greener grass.

Develop bonds in the community

By this I mean go deeper into your community to get yourself known. Go and read some other people’s work, clap and give out some comments.

You’re getting your name out there and people reading your bio might become interested in you.

You are doing something instead of sitting there and feeling sorry for your dead account.

If you keep commenting and clapping on people, they would be thankful of you, they might want to know more about you, therefore jumping into your account.

Anything can help, just making sure you do something is the way to go.

Do you have any more tips into how to revive your account? If so let me know in comments!

Thank you for reading and please clap and comment if you enjoyed this :)

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Freelance Express

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)