How You Can Make Writing a Habit

And it’s easier than you would think!

Georgia Smart
Freelance Express
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Did you know how many days it takes to create a habit?

The answer is 66 days!

I definitely didn’t know this until recently, I thought a habit, after a week or maybe two would be developed but I was wrong!

That means for you to make Medium and writing online a habit for you, you need to allow yourself 66 days to spend time on it. Anytime before then it’s not a habit, just something you do.

I’m sure many people on here have been writing for many more than these days and don’t even realize it’s a habit.

But what does a habit even mean?

A habit is defined as something that you repeatedly do and find hard to give up on.

I feel like that now! Although I have my doubts about being on here, I still always do my writing and find it hard to imagine quitting, as a pop-off post could be around the corner and if I quit tomorrow I could miss out on money.

To be honest this could be a few things

  • My autism
  • My obsessions of things
  • FOMO (fear of missing out)

I truly don’t know how I have been able to stick to a task as growing up I never could, I would try reading. In about a week I would give up. The same happened with the piano, I begged my mum to buy me a piano, and after a while, I went off it!

It’s hard to quit as even if I make $100 a month that’s more money than I would have had if I did nothing. I find determination ever getting more of a struggle, as my stats are at an all-time low.

But the FOMO inside me forces me to keep going as I’m desperate to make this a success.

I haven’t been writing for 66 days yet, so for me, it is not a habit. It’s simply a task that I do daily and some days I could definitely do without it.

When it’s been a bad day or I have a headache, I just want to curl up in bed and game, but I always push through and produce at least one article or some content.

But how do I push myself to keep going?

Simple, you take a look back at what you have achieved, maybe you gained $50

That has bought you something that you wouldn’t have now, or is that saving up towards the next big holiday?

By forcing yourself into allowing a habit to occur, you are accepting that writing is part of your daily life. You are allowing yourself to be less likely to give up.

I would advise you to make it a habit as to me there have been some really tough times where I find it so hard to keep writing, but the end reward is worth keeping going for.

Thank you for reading :)

Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Freelance Express

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)