I’m a Freelancer Who’s Leaving Money Behind in 2023

Teddy Stevens
Freelance Writing Success
3 min readDec 27, 2022

2022 was my best year for earnings.

Whilst I’m still not making a full-time income, it is helping alongside my full-time job. Some months, I’m making a full-time salary writing blogs and copy for clients all around the world. But other months, I make some extra cash to enjoy a couple of takeaways and a coffee in the morning.

Over Christmas, I’ve had some time to reflect on why I’m making more money in some months than others. Before, such disparity never made sense.

Until now.

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

I’ve come to the realization that I perform better when I’m having fun. And I’m having fun when I enjoy the topic, client and writing style. It makes me far more money than being a ‘yes man’.

The problem I’ve found is accepting work I know I’ll hate producing. I never deliver the quality I’m capable of. As writers, we all know that we should never deliver work that isn’t of the highest quality. But sometimes, with mind-numbing work that you want to get rid of, it’s easier to produce ‘acceptable’ work and move on.

When I’m enjoying the work I’m doing and focusing on fascinating topics, the level of work I’m producing is superior. My clients then return asking for more.

It’s a catch-22.

Saying yes to every single piece of work that comes my way, but hate doing it and producing ‘acceptable’ work. Or being ‘choosy’ about the work I accept and hope the quality will produce recurring clients.

So far, I’ve found the latter to be more beneficial. But in a cost-of-living crisis, it is hard to think in this way. Saying no to a client feels like saying no to money — which feels backward.

But I guess I’m going to have to bite the bullet on this one and play the long game.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Being happy at work and loving what you do is an overall productivity booster and enhances performance. People who enjoy their jobs are more likely to be optimistic, motivated, learn faster, make fewer mistakes, and better business decisions.

By accepting a ton of work regardless of the topic it involves, I find myself de-motivated. I understand that you’re not always going to love every single aspect of a job; to think that would be naive. But when I’m swamped with admin, boring topics and difficult clients, I have no time to work on the things that matter:

Finding clients. Advertising my brand. And increasing my audience.

If I enjoy writing 3 blogs a month which makes me £300, then I’m going to write well. time and want to do extra research. Those 3 clients will come back next month. But, it also gives me enough time to search for new clients that I could take on the next month.

In time, I’ll hope to have 5/6 recurring clients with who I enjoy working. If those clients end up leaving, I’ll still have the time to search for new ones.

So, that’s it. My thinking going into 2023. Stop saying yes to everything. Stop chasing the money. Start enjoying the work and start delivering incredible quality.

Let me know if you’re going to change your mindset going into 2023. Did 2022 work well for you? Is it best to chase money or enjoy the work…



Teddy Stevens
Freelance Writing Success

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