Stop Wasting Valuable Website Real-Estate

Teddy Stevens
Freelance Writing Success
2 min readDec 31, 2022

The best content is clear and concise. It gets straight to the point without any of the fluff. Your website should be no different.

Why do you need to get straight to the point?

The Three Second Rule

The average user spends 52 seconds on a web page across all industries. That gives you under a minute to try and convert them from a traffic source to a paying customer.

With this in mind, too many small businesses are wasting valuable real estate on their landing pages. When a user clicks on your website, they don’t just want to see a pretty picture that sets the mood. It doesn’t give them the information they’re looking for. So, they’ll click off.

Content Marketers call it the three-second rule. Within those three seconds, a website needs to tell the visitor what it has to offer.

Take a look at this example:

Dropbox Landing page

Immediately, Dropbox is telling me exactly what it is they do. They even give me effective calls to action straight away.

You want to sell a product or service.

Calls To Action

Effective ‘Calls to Action’ provide a funnel for visitors delve deeper into your website. Whether it be downloading a free resource, signing up to a newsletter, or more information about a product — whatever it is, you need to tell your audience what you want them to do.

Most of the time, visitors aren’t going to give you something for free. This is where you need to offer them something in return. Look again at the Dropbox example: ‘Try For Free’. By signing up, you get a free trial — they are giving you something in return for signing up.

That is the eventual goal. Get them to sign up or buy a product. You have 3 seconds to tell them who you are and where they can get your product. You have 3 seconds to offer them something that they can’t refuse. You have 3 seconds to solve their problem.


So, don’t waste your website space. Compelling images and attractive graphics are great. But what purpose are they serving? If they’re not telling your reader something, then it can go further down the page.

Think of it like an inverted triangle:

Originally published at on December 31, 2022.



Teddy Stevens
Freelance Writing Success

You'll find me typing away at my keyboard with a fresh cup of coffee. My dog will probably be jumping up at me and my keyboard, so sorry for spelling mistakes.