ARC or Advance Reader Copy Book Reviews: What, Who, Where and HOW

Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone
5 min readMar 9, 2023



What is an ARC or Advance Reader Copy?

An ARC, or Advance Reader Copy, is an early, pre-publication version of a book that is produced by a publisher and distributed to a limited number of readers, often prior to the official release date of the book. ARCs are typically used to obtain reviews and to generate buzz and publicity for a forthcoming book.

ARCs may differ from the final published version of the book in a number of ways, including cover design, formatting, and even content, as changes may be made between the ARC and final versions of the book based on feedback received from early readers.

ARCs can help self-publishers get their book in front of more people and increase their chances of building a loyal fanbase. They can also be used to generate early reviews (and feedback), which can help boost sales and visibility on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads.

Self-publishers should make sure their book is as polished as possible before sending out ARCs, as negative feedback could harm their reputation and potentially damage sales.

How To Distribute ARCs

Self-publishers can distribute or send out ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) by:



Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone

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