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Everything You Need To Know About COLD TURKEY

The idiom, the writer’s app, the song, the movie.

Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone
4 min readNov 25, 2019


What does Cold Turkey mean?

“Cold turkey” is a term describing the actions of a person who gives up his habit or addiction at a single moment, rather than through gradually easing the process through tapering off or supplemental medication.

In the past cold turkey was used in association with drug addiction. Today it is used more widely to describe a sudden and abrupt cessation of a bad habits or activities including smoking, eating specific foods, and stopping gaming, phone texting and Internet surfing. Cold turkey almost always includes the implication that stopping is going to be painful, hard, difficult and simply awful.

What habits, activities or addictions have YOU gone cold turkey for?

How did the phrase Cold Turkey come into being?

Speculations as to where and when the term cold turkey originated vary widely …

The term allegedly derives from the comparison of a cold turkey carcass and the state of a withdrawing addict — most notably, the…



Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone

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