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How To Use Drip Marketing To Drive Sales

Drip Marketing is used by many of the biggest companies in the world in order to gain customers, keep customers and fuel sales.


In the product realm, think “Coke,” or “Tide.” In the company branding realm, think “Apple” or “Microsoft.”

The point of Drip Marketing is to have a constant stream of messages working for you night and day.

I constantly get comments from both authors and self-publishers about the state of over-whelm they are experiencing. There are so many marketing tasks they should be attending to, and so many channels to juggle that they feel like it is a never-ending treadmill. The truth is, that it IS a never-ending treadmill.

To be successful, marketing is NOT something you start and then finish, it needs to be consistent and persistent. No ONE marketing action produces endless results.

The FABULOUS NEWS is that many marketing actions can be put on auto-pilot. You set them up once, plug in the Energizer Bunny battery and it keeps going and going and going.

ONE of the ways you can put marketing tasks onto auto-pilot is by creating Drip Marketing Campaigns.



Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone

Over 40 years Freelance Writing — pretty well everything! | Writing | Book Promotions | Marketing |