The Power of Image AI in Creating Memorable Book Covers

Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone
8 min readMar 8, 2023



Is using Image AI the future of creating innovative book covers?

Somtow (S.P. Somtow) is not only one of my favorite authors, but is a good friend. Though I live in Canada and he lives in Thailand, we chat regularly.

In one of our conversations Somtow asked me if I liked the cover he had just created for one of his newer books. I had seen the original cover and just LOVED the new one … it had a level of creepiness that was perfect.

Imagine my surprise when he told me that he had created the cover using an AI image program. Over the next few weeks Somtow created new covers for over a dozen of his books, including his classic Inquestor Series which he started writing over 40 years ago.

Copyright S.P. Somtow

I was simply stunned by what he produced, so I asked him to answer a few questions for my readers. I’ve written a few articles about creating effective book covers, from not falling in love with your own cover to the detriment of sales, to my favorite hate — generic covers. I’m hoping that the following “interview” will give you some insight into another way of designing book covers…



Melanie Rockett
Freelance Writing Zone

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