How to Build Your Writing Portfolio When You Have No Writing Experience

Everyone can build a portfolio if they know these tricks.

Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder


Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

One obstacle for freelance writers who are new or who want to change niches, is similar to what many college graduates face when they are looking for their first job. They can’t get a job without experience and can’t get experience without a job.

It’s a typical what comes first, the chicken or the egg question.

How can I build a writing portfolio when clients won’t hire me because I have no writing experience?

If you’re a new freelance writer or even a new fiction writer, take heart. There is a way out of this quandary and I’m going to show it to you right now.

Uncover writing experience in your past

The good news is you likely have more writing and writing related experience than you know. The first step is to unearth the writing experience you do have. The way you to do it is to thoroughly analyze your past experiences. Make a list of every job you’ve ever had. Include volunteer experiences and major projects you’ve worked on in the past. For each of those roles, write down and circle anything writing related you may have done.

  • Did you coordinate a…



Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder

writer, author, freelancer, Freelance Filter founder, single mom of four, grammi of 10. Get in touch at