300 Orders on Fiverr: Proof that Freelance Writers are Still in Demand

Is Fiverr Oversaturated? I Don’t Think So

The Ghostwriter Life
Freelance Ladder
2 min readAug 26, 2022


Fiverr orders completed screenshot © Jennifer J.B.

Hip hip hooray!

Last week, my Fiverr ghostwriting profile officially completed order #300.

I’m not going to lie…seeing that little green box go from 299 to 300 felt amazing. It was a visual reminder of how much time, effort, and plain old sacrifice I have put into achieving this milestone.

How long did this take me? ⏰

16 months. Or another way of looking at it, 511 days.

I write for anywhere from 1–2 hours each day. More on the weekends, and far less Monday through Friday.

Some days, I don’t touch my computer at all. But on average, I would say I spend 5–10 hours per week solidly typing, and another 20 minutes every morning answering client messages in my Fiverr inbox.

Can Anyone Do This? Is Fiverr Oversaturated? ✔️

Image Source: Unsplash

Yes and no.

Fiverr is oversaturated in the sense that sure, there are thousands of cheap and low quality gigs clogging up the system. However, is it oversaturated with REAL professional writers who charge a fair price, know basic SEO, speak English or another language fluently, can do in-depth research, and have excellent communication skills? Absolutely not.

If anything, Covid-19 created even more of a demand for talented freelancers.

According to Small Business Blog, “Fiverr reported $189.5 million in revenue, a 77% increase from the previous fiscal year” in 2021 alone.

It’s Not Too Late for New Fiverr Sellers 🏃‍♂️

Yes, there are lots of sellers on Fiverr nowadays. The marketplace is competitive. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t

But then again, Fiverr was arguably “oversaturated” when I joined a year and a half ago. Unlike many top-rated and pro sellers, I didn’t begin my Fiverr freelancing journey when the platform was young. I’m a new player in the game, yet I was able to reach the 300 milestone fairly quickly.

So, if you have been considering giving Fiverr a shot, it’s not too late.

Actually, you’re right on time!

Image Source: Unsplash

Want more fun ghostwriting tips? 👻

Check out my other article: 2 Powerful Tips to Make $2000 Per Month on Fiverr




The Ghostwriter Life
Freelance Ladder

Hi, I'm Jen! Ghostwriter with a passion for pets, self-help, gardening, travel, good food, spirituality, entrepreneurship, and small business growth.