Freelancers: Get Paid to Write

5 Gold Star Markets for Writers

Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder


a series of gold starts laid out on printed paper. Gold Star Markets for writers
Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

When I coach freelance writing clients, I encourage them to identify at least three what I call “gold star” publications or companies.

These are the places that you dream of writing for one day.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to write for National Geographic or Today magazine, or perhaps getting published by Bob Vila would make your year.

Think about the publications or companies that when you’ve been published by them, you’ll feel like you’ve made it. Those are your “gold star” publications or companies.

When you first start freelancing, you won’t feel ready to write for your gold star markets but that’s okay. I can help you get there, step by step.

Identify your gold star markets

If you haven’t made a written list yet, do it now. Think of magazines, publications, and companies you know about or have heard about.

Your gold star publication or company might make the list because its well known (great exposure), it’s the top magazine/company in the industry, it pays big bucks, has a prestigious reputation, your father reads it, or it’s simply been around as long as you can remember.



Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder

Freelance writer & tech coach. Grammi of 10. I use affiliate links. Get Market Mondays free