Here’s How to Build Your Freelance Writing Portfolio from Scratch

Even if you think you have no writing experience.

Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder


Photo by Hope House Press - Leather Diary Studio on Unsplash

If you can remember what it was like to get your first job in high school or maybe in college, every interviewer asked about your previous experience. But when you’re looking for your first job, how can you talk about your experience? The same thing is often true for freelance writers.

You don’t have experience getting paid to write and yet every gig or writing job you find wants to see samples of your writing. And what if you want to get paid to write in a different area than your work experience or your degree?

How do you show potential clients you have experience when you’ve not yet been paid to write? How do you demonstrate experience to your very first clients?

You can’t get experience without a job and can’t get a job without experience. It can often seem like a no-win situation.

But I’m here to tell you it’s not. If you’re new to freelance writing, there is hope. I’ve worked with and coached many freelance writers who thought they were stuck in this impossible situation. It can be done and I’m going to show you how.

Forage through your past



Meg Stewart
Freelance Ladder

Freelance writer & tech coach. Grammi of 10. I use affiliate links. Get Market Mondays free