How to Create a Better Client Experience as a Freelancer?

Mustafa Fazal Hussain
Freelancer’s Handbook
4 min readSep 18, 2021
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Starting your career as a freelancer is one of the brave steps that you take to stay self-employed. You enjoy the flexibility, freedom, and more opportunities to grow your freelance business. However, freelancing comes up with its own challenges. The biggest challenge that you encounter within a few months is always regarding client retention.

Unlike other businesses, freelancers focus on grabbing long-term contracts and clients that assist them in fueling their financial tube. But this is never easy, especially when you lack communication skills. Creating or providing a better client experience in freelancing is not a cup of tea for everyone.

However, you don’t need to worry as there are certain skills and tactics that can help you to grow your freelance business by improving the client’s experience. Here, in this article, I will share some of the top tips and tricks that helped me over the years to improve my client’s experience.

Tactics to Improve Client’s Experience in Freelancing

Clients are the backbone of any freelance business. As you start doing freelancing, sooner or later, you experience a stage where no active client is left. Either you have done their project successfully, or they didn’t reply back due to your competitive rates. So what to do?

This is where you need to think about improving your client’s experience. Of course, those who were added to your previous client’s list already know your work and the result you deliver to them. So it is always better to offer your services again to the previous clients, instead of approaching the new ones.

But how to do it? Is it as easy as eating a pie? 😋 no, but it is not as hard as melting an iron. All you need is to follow the top tactics discussed below.

1. Know Your Client’s Business More than They Do

Yeah, of course, a businessman knows his business well, than any other person. But what if you can search your client’s competitors and know how they bring value and compare it with what client business has to do with it. This is one of the best tactics that help you to upscale your services and encourage your old clients to offer you a better deal. But how?

It is easy, for instance, if a client needs you to develop an application, and later on, you discover that their website design also needs an upgrade, or they are not mobile-friendly, then you can suggest free tips and offer a great price. This will help you to improve your client’s experience and let you get more work.

2. Under Commit & Over-Deliver

You often hear that people do over commitments but under deliver. This is a sort of cheating that makes your client feel less valued. You may end up losing a client or even never consider you in the future. However, you can replace it with under commitment and over-delivering. This is where you can improve the client’s experience and go the extra mile to satisfy your client's needs.

But when it comes to under commitment and over-delivering, you must stick to the reality. For instance, if it takes three days, particularly for a project to complete, then you don’t need to ask for four days. Under commitment means that you take complete time to accomplish a project even if you know that it can be done in two days due to your expertise. This helps you to surprise your client and improve the client’s experience in freelancing.

3. Enhance Your Communication Skills

Communication skills are the prior requirement for every freelancer. Whether you are working as a designer, developer, or content writer, you must improve your communication skills to bring a better client experience. But often, many times, it becomes difficult for newbies to excel in the art of communicating with clients. But don’t worry, the following tips can help you to enhance your communication skills.

  • Be Business Friendly- this means that you can talk more about the tough schedules, consoling words such as I understand, I know how hard it is to run and manage it completely on your own, it is really nice, and in other words.
  • Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions- Building communication is all about reading or listening more confidently and asking questions related to the topic to understand them completely.
  • Ask for Feedback- There is no shame in knowing your weaknesses by others, especially when you are out of the freelance platform. You can ask for feedback and know your strengths and weaknesses easily.
By seventyfourimages

You can also learn about Tips To Work Like A Pro Freelancer. Find out more about me on LinkedIn or Twitter

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Mustafa Fazal Hussain
Freelancer’s Handbook

Pro & Top Rated Seller @ | Founder of Devmont Digital | On a mission to reframe your mindset when it comes to freelancing, & online money.