Is Freelance Web Development Worth It In 2022?

Here’s a look at stats, pros, and cons if you’re considering becoming a freelance web developer in 2022

Derick Sozo Ruiz
Freelancer’s Handbook
7 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

We assume you’re here because you’re considering becoming a freelance web designer and are wondering if it’s a wise idea. Making a big career change is often fraught with questions and concerns, particularly now, when we face so much uncertainty.

It’s easy to make money with coding through freelancing, but figuring out where to start can be overwhelming for many beginners. The perfect time to turn your passion into a career is in 2022, the year that web design will grow in popularity.

Freelancing can allow you to earn money while learning to code. Taking courses or attending boot camps is not necessary. If you have the right resources, becoming a freelance developer is feasible even on a budget.

In this post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of working as a freelance web developer, as well as freelance marketplaces that help web developers get jobs.

Pros & Cons Of Being A Freelance Web Designer

There are several benefits to being a freelance web developer that can encourage anyone to pursue this career path. Let’s look at some of the advantages of being a freelance web designer.

Pros And Cons Graphic by Vecteezy

Let’s start with the pros.

1) No time restriction

Most people who become freelancers do so for this very reason. Being a night owl and working 9–5 can be challenging. Freelancers, however, usually have the freedom to choose when they want to work.

Parents and work-at-home moms will appreciate this option for scheduling their work around their child’s schedule. Furthermore, working from home is also possible after returning from a regular job.

It’s important to remember that most companies still work between 9 and 5. You will have to be available for meetings and calls during business hours if you are hired. You can set your hours to some extent, but you must always consider your clients’ needs.

2) Be your own boss

You will probably work alone as a freelancer. Therefore, you won’t have to deal with micromanagers or unreasonable expectations from your boss. Clients are, in some ways, your bosses. They can be unreasonable and demanding, but they also provide you with an advantage.

3) Get your desired projects

It involves more than just projects; it involves people and companies as well. A firm that asks you to perform an unethical act is not obligated to give you the job. If you don’t want to do a job just because it’s boring, you don’t have to.

Freelancers can take on the work they want and pass on the work they don’t. Nevertheless, you have to keep in mind that bills still need to be paid, so sometimes you may have to take on work that does not exactly excite you.

4) Earning while learning

You can easily learn new things as a freelancer. The person who wishes to learn PHP doesn’t need permission from their boss or permission to put PHP code on the server. Taking action is easy. Most freelancers are constantly learning new skills.

5) Get a wide variety of projects

One of the biggest problems we face as corporate web developers is getting bored with the websites we’re assigned. Freelancers can work on a wide variety of projects all the time, which adds variety to their portfolios.

6) Turn your hobby into work

The most effective way to stand out as a web designer is to specialize in a niche area. You gain some extra credibility if that area is also your hobby. As a result, you’ll have a much easier time getting work done.

Cons Of Being A Freelance Web Developer

Being a freelance web designer also has some disadvantages that you must consider when pursuing it as a career. Some of the disadvantages are discussed below.

1) No fixed income

Most freelancers do not enjoy financial stability. The next month, you might barely cover the costs of groceries. That is why freelancers should build up an emergency fund. It is not advisable to start as a full-time freelancer until you have a sufficient emergency fund and at least three clients.

2) Struggle for new clients

You may only have three clients at first, but they probably won’t be needing you every month. As their sites change or they get other requirements, some will disappear. Freelancers should always seek out new opportunities. Being shy or preferring to code can complicate things.

3) Multiple responsibilities

In addition to marketing, communication, and bookkeeping, you’ll have to wear many hats. While you do not have to be an expert at all of them, you should be good enough to maintain a steady stream of clients.

4) No insurance

You don’t have any of the perks that come with working for a corporation. The benefits of working at a company are many: paid vacation days, sick days, office space, even free pens. Freelancers don’t get any of these benefits.

5) Lonely working

You’ll be spending a lot of time alone. Most freelancers might get a little stir-crazy if they’re locked in their houses all day long, every day. But if you’re lucky enough to live with another freelancer, you can talk with them. However, if you enjoy socializing, this could make your job unpleasant.

6) Discipline and self-motivation

You need to remember that you are your boss even when you are working for yourself. No one will report you if you decide to skip today’s or next month’s work. However, you must always be self-motivated and disciplined to succeed, which can sometimes be challenging.

Freelancers often have trouble balancing their work and personal lives. It’s 2 am, and you’ve missed dinner again after you get an idea and sit down to flesh it out a little. Establishing formal working hours can help you overcome this issue.

Stats On The Jobs Available For Freelance Web Developers

Several freelance web development projects are posted on Freelancer, Upwork, and other freelance marketplaces every day, making it easy for freelance web developers to get work. Competitive web designers are likely to establish a client base soon.

Additionally, freelance web developers can get hired through LinkedIn. You can reach out to businesses and agencies to win their projects. Businesses may also contact you for web development projects.

The amount of web developers jobs is growing monthly, and the recent crisis is only speeding up that growth.

Remote Work Statistics provided by

Besides the statistics provided by RemoteOK, there are also a lot of other websites providing jobs. If you’d like to learn more, here are a few articles for you.

Stats On The Average Hourly Rates For Freelance Web Developers

Freelance web development is something that you can do from home. However, this doesn’t entail selling your services at a very low price. To set a competitive price list and a good deal for you, you must analyze market value first.

The following is an overview of how full stack freelance web developers with 1–3 years of experience charge.

Hourly rates of US-based freelance web developers via Hello Bonsai
Hourly rates of UK-based freelance web developers via Hello Bonsai
Hourly rates of Canadian freelance web developers via Hello Bonsai


Freelance web development is an excellent way to build a career and earn enough money to live a comfortable life. As there are thousands of freelance web designing jobs available, finding work is not a problem. With the global trend shifting after COVID, freelance web development is worth considering. All you need to do is to stay motivated and disciplined so that you can only provide your clients with the best possible service at all times.

Keep Reading Freelancer’s Handbook



Derick Sozo Ruiz
Freelancer’s Handbook

I help software startups reach more devs with technical content at