A Day in the Life of a Full-Time Writer

The struggle it takes to write a single article, but sometimes, the rewards are worth it.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub


Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

For the past few days, I’ve been working on a single article for a client.

When we first made the deal, their expectations were clear: The article has to be 3000 words long, well-researched, and highly clickable. I’d never written anything on that topic before, but I had some experience, and I thought I’d wing it as I go.

A challenge, but I can do it, right?

Turns out, I was wrong!

The topic was so novel, there wasn’t a single article on the internet I could refer to or take inspiration from. I got super frustrated and wanted to give up.

But we’d already signed the contract. If I gave up now, my client won’t be able to meet their deadlines.

And so, I persisted.

I drew from my own experiences in that area and interviewed friends and strangers who had gone through the same. I put myself in the shoes of the target audience and kept writing.

It took me eight days, but finally, I was able to put together 3112 words of highly compelling content. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the first article on the internet addressing that…

