Google Cybersecurity Certifications Won’t Land You a Job

But some certs might

K S Fisher
Freelancer’s Hub


Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

Google, like many other certification vendors, has sold you a lie.

Google’s Cybersecurity Certificate landing page boasts that it will “prepare you for a career as a cybersecurity analyst”. It includes figures such as “$100,000+ median entry-level salary” and inspires you with all sorts of different jobs you can get in cybersecurity after this cert.

It’s a lie. And they’re not the first to do it.

Other tech giants like Microsoft have their own cybersecurity certifications and the headlines would have you believe these companies are battling the cybersecurity worker shortage head-on. In reality, they’re doing much.

The First Problem

The first glaring problem is the elephant in the room:

Cybersecurity is not an entry-level career. It is an advanced subset of information technology and one which requires many years in the former to excel in the latter.

Certifications that boast the idea of being qualified for positions in cybersecurity are predatory and, to be frank, just cruel.

There are some exceptions to this rule and truly entry-level positions do exist, but they are scarce and highly competitive.



K S Fisher
Freelancer’s Hub

A multi-faceted writer exploring the intersection of technology, risk, business, and art. I also write about security