How Much Money I Made On Medium In The Past 1 Year

Income reveal and tips on how you can achieve similar results.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub


Image by the author.

I’ve been asked multiple times if Medium is a stable income source for writers.

Today, I’m going to answer that once and for all.

There are so many creators who make “Medium income reveal” videos. But most of these videos only focus on a certain time period, like how much money one article made, or how much they made in one month.

This doesn’t answer the questions writers have, like,

  • Is Medium a sustainable income source for writers?
  • Can a writer look at Medium as a long-term income source that can support their lifestyle?

In this article, I’m going to address exactly these questions.

Before we begin, here’s a quick back story: I’ve been writing on Medium since 2020. It’s going to be 4 years soon, and in this article, I’ll share how much money I made on Medium in the last one year. I’ll also be sharing a few strategies that I have used that you can apply in your Medium journey.

If you’d like to watch a more candid tutorial in video format, here’s a link

