How To Earn Predictable Income By Getting A Surplus Of Project Leads?

Mustafa Fazal Hussain
Freelancer’s Hub
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2022
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Lack of predictable income is one of the reasons people are reluctant to start freelancing. While freelancing has its own perks, like freedom and flexibility, they come at the cost of not having a predictable income. You never know if you’ll be able to get a regular paycheck, so that’s a lot to worry about.

One of the most important ways to develop your freelancing business is to find a reliable stream of new clients. To get predictable income, you need a surplus of project leads. You must learn how to produce a pipeline of leads that will consistently look out for your services.

Here are the five ways you can do it:

Become An Expert In Your Field

If you want to get leads who keep assigning different projects, you can’t just go out and look for them. However, they can come out looking for you. People will want to hire you for their projects if they think you can provide them with what they want. Your level of expertise in your field and how effectively you market yourself are what it takes to expect an interrupted revenue stream. Therefore, you must be good at what you do and make sure others know it too.

Be Open To Questions And Providing Information

To have consistent inflows, you must be welcoming, open, and informative to service buyers. Many will appear in your way, interrogate your specialization, and may or may not choose you. Just make sure that you never sound pushing to them. Let them choose your services without pressure and out of their free will. Your job is to provide captivating and persuasive information so they can learn how your services can help them gain value or save resources.

Sell Your Talent With Web Courses

Online learning is an evolving and developing field since digital has become almost the new normal. Just like anyone can learn online, anyone can teach too. If you have skills and knowledge that others are willing to acquire, you should develop your course material to generate a predictable income. There are many websites where you can easily upload and sell your course material, such as Udemy, Pluralsight, Lynda, etc. Just do some research before you get started to fasten the pace of your success.

Establish Your Name Through Online Self-Publishing

Thanks to technology, publishing your book is not much big of a hassle now. You can write, edit, endorse, and sell your book from your laptop in the comfort of your home. If you are interested in writing, you should consider self-publishing e-books to get a predictable income.

Diversify Your Services And Create Multiple Revenue Streams

Another great way to earn a predictable freelance income is to master multiple skills and diversify your services. Once you can make money through multiple revenue streams, you will likely never find your pockets empty. Multiple revenue streams mitigate the risk associated with a single revenue stream. On top of it, you will earn a more stable and secure income than people with regular jobs. 📈


Indeed, the life of a freelancer is tough, especially when it comes to earning a predictable income. The ways mentioned above can help you create a recurring and predictable income. However, it would help if you were mindful that it would require much initial investment in time and effort. You must be disciplined and consistent and believe your hard work will pay off.

You can also learn about Freelancing Hacks: 5 Lessons from 5 Years of Freelancing Find out more about me on LinkedIn or Twitter



Mustafa Fazal Hussain
Freelancer’s Hub

Pro & Top Rated Seller @ | Founder of Devmont Digital | On a mission to reframe your mindset when it comes to freelancing, & online money.