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If You Want to be a Successful Writer, Learn to say NO

Lessons from three years of being a full-time writer.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub


Image from the author’s Instagram.

“Success” has different definitions for everyone.

I sometimes find myself wondering how life would be if I hadn’t quit my engineering job to be a full-time writer. I see my friends buying land and houses. I see them getting married and starting families. And I sometimes feel, did I get left behind in the race of life?

But then I have to remind myself that it isn’t a race. How can it be, when all of us have different starting points? We’re not even running towards the same goal. So, what’s the point comparing their circumstances with mine?

Coming to this article, you might be wondering: is Anangsha a successful writer to talk about what new writers should do?

I’ve not published an international bestseller. My novels haven’t been converted to movies. I haven’t booked $1000/hour consultation calls. I haven’t even managed to increase my writing income every year since I started on this path.

So, what makes me qualified to write this article?

I’ve been a full-time writer for more than three years now. I own my time, and can tackle work days depending on my convenience. I’m prioritizing my health, both physical and…



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