Indian Writers Can Finally Make Money From Medium

Get paid to write about exactly what you want.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub


Imagine a world where you get paid for writing exactly what you want,

Picture not having to rely on freelance clients, consultation calls, coaching, or any external agencies to pay your bills. Just write on your preferred topics, publish them on your profile, and earn.

Once a dream, this can become a reality starting August 2023.

In this article, we’re discussing Medium — a platform that previously paid writers from only 33 countries worldwide. But starting August 2023, the Medium Partner Program is opening in India.

Yes, you read that right — writers from India can now start earning money by sharing their stories on Medium.

This news isn’t just some rumor. It comes straight from the official Medium blog, which announced recently that the Medium Partner Program is now expanding to 12 additional countries, including India.

If you’re an Indian writer grappling with ways to monetize your work, Medium’s expanded accessibility could be the perfect solution for you. Watch this in video format here —

