Setting Boundaries With Work as a Self-Employed Person

Discipline is important, but so is balance.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub


Image from author’s Instagram.

Yesterday, my best friend came to visit me. We dressed up, went out to a cafe, and talked endlessly about movies and books.

I had five items on my to-do list.

Guess how many of them I crossed off? ZERO!

Yes, I got absolutely no work done, and I enjoyed every moment of the day.

But do you know something?

Taking breaks wasn’t always so easy

A few months back, if you told me I’d spend a full day not doing any work, I would be super stressed.

You see, when you’re self-employed, every hour you spend in front of the computer screen means you can earn more money and get better opportunities for yourself.

Until a few months back, I was so obsessed with working all the time and hitting all my deadlines, that taking time out for myself felt like I was cheating on my dreams.

I said no to every get-together, refused to meet old friends when they were in town, and spent months without watching any movie or series.

Dedication vs balance

