Setting Boundaries With Work as a Self-Employed Person

Discipline is important, but so is balance.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2021


Image from author’s Instagram.

Yesterday, my best friend came to visit me. We dressed up, went out to a cafe, and talked endlessly about movies and books.

I had five items on my to-do list.

Guess how many of them I crossed off? ZERO!

Yes, I got absolutely no work done, and I enjoyed every moment of the day.

But do you know something?

Taking breaks wasn’t always so easy

A few months back, if you told me I’d spend a full day not doing any work, I would be super stressed.

You see, when you’re self-employed, every hour you spend in front of the computer screen means you can earn more money and get better opportunities for yourself.

Until a few months back, I was so obsessed with working all the time and hitting all my deadlines, that taking time out for myself felt like I was cheating on my dreams.

I said no to every get-together, refused to meet old friends when they were in town, and spent months without watching any movie or series.

Dedication vs balance

