The Reason You Feel Broke

Stop This Money Mistake Now

Rute Barros
Freelancer’s Hub


Foto de Andrea Piacquadio no Pexels

Everyone knows the economy changed a lot this past year. Thanks to the deadly pandemic that we’ve been dealing with for more than a year now, many people are struggling with money in ways that they never had before.

Many people lost their jobs. But if you’re one of the lucky ones that didn’t, this doesn't free you from feeling broke. Even though you know that you have the resources, you might feel you don’t have enough.

If you’ve got income coming in but you still feel broke, know that you’re not the only one.

First of all, don’t worry you’re not going crazy, it’s not a curse or witchcraft.

Inflation is going up. Interest rates are low. And because of that, life is becoming more and more expensive. And your money will not stretch as much as it used to.

So no, you’re not going crazy. But we’ve got to take some responsibility because there are definitely things that we do that are making us feel broke.

Quarantine brought more people into the world of online shopping. Especially boredom shopping.

Although I pride myself on having self-control and being conscious about what I spend my money on, there’s something that makes me want to spend money on unnecessary and expensive…



Rute Barros
Freelancer’s Hub

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