Why is Your HOW a Key to Your Business Success!

Because it is what makes you UNIQUE and helps you STAND OUT!

Laura Burford
Freelancer’s Hub


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Your HOW is also known as your Point of View (POV.) A consultant or freelancers’ Point of View (POV) is their differentiator. It is what helps a them stand out in a crowded field of consultants and freelancers and be unique.

A POV is not a new, amazing, and disruptive idea. Rather a POV is a combination of pre-existing concepts and ideas modified and reframed to form a new approach. As the modifications and reframing occurs a consultant leverages their own thoughts, experiences, and expertise.

A POV is how a consultant or freelancer helps move a client from where they are today to where they want to be tomorrow.

When a POV is added to a person’s message, the message becomes more powerful because, not only does it explain your Why and What (your focus or niche) and Who (ideal client), it explains your HOW — your POV.

If you are not sure how to determine your focus, checkout this Medium article on How to Determine Your Focus! (You Know-Your Niche.)

Let me clarify what is a POV with the help of a short true story.



Laura Burford
Freelancer’s Hub

Leveraging her Consultant's Blueprint, Laura helps Consultants & Freelancers use their MAGIC-their expertise and experience-to build successful businesses.