How Japanese Philosophy Can Help You Find Your Freelancing Niche

And if you’re a cat lover, you need to read this.

Nina M. Q.
Freelancers’ Pharmacy


Photo by Ori Song on Unsplash

If you’re a freelance writer, you’ve probably been pondering what niche to specialise in. Maybe you’ve already found one that you love. Good for you!

Or maybe you have no clue what direction to take your writing in. Perhaps you just feel stuck in the niche you’re in and want a new direction.

Ideally, we want to feel fulfilled by the work we do. Right?

We want to bounce out of bed every day, and throw ourselves into tasks that we love.

But for many of us, that’s not always the case. Often we don’t even know what those tasks would look like if we got to choose.

So how to get closer to that coveted state of fulfilment?

Enter Japanese philosophy. In Japan, there’s is a particular term for that state of harmony and satisfaction we all long for. It’s called Ikigai.

Roughly translated, Ikigai means reason for being.

