Absolute Mayhem in Greece

Emergency post from Thessaloniki

Federico N. Fernández
Free Market Diaries
3 min readMay 21, 2015


This is an emergency post from Thessaloniki. I want to tell everybody that we’re fine. I’m writing from the venue of Free Market Road Show event here in Greece. It’s difficult but I can manage… for now at least…

We started almost like every event here. I fact we arrived a couple of hours ago from a very successful visit to Romania.

Preparations in the hotel Mediterranean Palace were the usual.

However, our local manager here, Anna Kotsaki, told us that they had a second room booked just in case.

The first was set for 350 people and the “back up” for 250.

With certain unjustified pessimism I have to admit that I thought it was an exaggeration.

So, around 4:30 pm attendees started to arrive.

Around 5 pm I heard about the “lobby situation”…

Elevators were working at full capacity. People were climbing seven floors by the stairs to make it to the venue. In any case, the lobby was still packed and people were waiting outside.

Take a look at how we had to manage…

“Back Up” Room:

Original venue:

This is a personal estimate: I guess there’s 700 people here.

He must be very sad.

There’s a lot of people that want something different for Greece.

Barbara Kolm (Director of the FMRS) and Anna Kotsaki (local manager) can be very happy.

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