Can the New Interim President Topple the Dictatorship in Venezuela?

Federico N. Fernández
Free Market Diaries
4 min readJan 24, 2019

by Federico N. Fernández *

Venezuela’s last chance? (Photo Credit)

Venezuela has only two republican vestiges — the civil society and the National Assembly. In January 23rd both of them were in action. The full scale of the consequences of those actions remains to be seen.

Preparations for a day of protests started with a somewhat poetic gesture. Namely, people from the city of San Félix set a statue of Hugo Chávez on fire.

The problems for Nicolás Maduro, nonetheless, were just starting…

From early hours hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans started demonstrating against his dictatorial regime. Caracas, the capital city of the country, was definitely the epicenter of the protests. But massive demonstrations occurred in all major cities.

At 1:30 pm local time Juan Guaidó was sworn as interim president of Venezuela by the National Assembly. Mr. Guaidó is the head of what used to be Venezuela’s Parliament. That is until Nicolás Maduro — in a Hitlerian manner — de facto dissolved it. Nevertheless, the National Assembly is the only constitutional power that remains in the country. According to legal scholars and the Supreme Court (in exile), article 233 of the Venezuelan Constitution allows the National Assembly to temporarily take the executive power and call for elections in no longer than 30 days. At the base of this claim lies the fact that the May 2018 national elections were far from being fair and free. The opposition didn’t take part since there no guarantees of fairness. Nor did it a staggering 54 per cent of registered voters.

Their votes didn’t count last time (Photo Credit)

Almost immediately after Mr. Gauidó’s proclamation most countries of the region recognized him as the legitimate leader of the country. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador quickly welcome him.

More importantly, the American president Donald Trump also gave his recognition to the newly appointed leader.

“The citizens of Venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate Maduro regime. Today, I have officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as the Interim President of Venezuela,” Mr. Trump twitted.

The US government’s position contrasts sharply with the position taken by Vladimir Putin. His administration quickly stated support for Mr. Maduro. Andrey Klimov, vice president of the Council of the Federation for International Affairs, said that “Russia has already recognized the legitimate president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, nothing will change in this position.”

Mr. Maduro’s reaction has been twofold. On the one hand, repression against the protesters. On the other, in a bold gesture, Venezuela has severed diplomatic ties with the United States and has given 72 hours to American diplomats to leave the country.

Maduro’s “supporters” (Photo Credit)

“I swear to assume all the powers of the presidency to secure an end to the usurpation,” claimed Mr. Guaidó during his acceptance speech.

But how powerful his presidency will actually be is not yet clear. The socialist regime of Venezuela has shown a clear preference to double down when it fells threatened. Moreover, the tendency so far has been in the direction of a dictatorship. It wouldn’t come as a surprise that Mr. Guaidó suffers the same fate as his political mentor — the political prisoner Leopoldo López.

In this sense, the role of the Army and the securities forces in general will be decisive. Playing the part of sock puppet dictator of foreign interests centered in the Venezuelan oil and with the full support of his army, Maduro’s predicament could be short. However, if there’s a division within the armed forces, the situation may very well spiral down to a civil war and/or a Ceaușescu scenario.

Originally Published at the Austrian Economics Center.

*Federico N. Fernández is President of Fundación Internacional Bases (Rosario, Argentina) and a Senior Fellow with the Austrian Economics Center (Vienna, Austria). He is also the president of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference “The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century,” which its eighth edition will take place in Vienna in November 14th & 15th 2019.

