Libertarian Think Tank Wants to Buy the Birth House of “Ché” Guevara

Federico N. Fernández
Free Market Diaries
3 min readJul 7, 2020


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Rosario (Argentina) — The board of Fundación Internacional Bases, an Argentine libertarian think tank, has expressed interest in buying Ernesto “Ché” Guevara’s birth house located in the city of Rosario (Argentina).

According to several media publications, the current co-owners of the apartment have put it on the market for a price of US$ 400,000 and demand that future buyers respect the figure of Ché and maintain the protocol functions of the house.

In response, Fundación Internacional Bases announced its controversial purchase proposal. Federico N. Fernández, president of the libertarian think tank, explained: “We believe that asking for a price in US dollars is totally contrary to what Ché represents. Therefore, our offer will be in Cuban pesos or in Petro, the Venezuelan cryptocurrency.”

Bases also grounds the use of the Cuban peso as currency for the purchase on the fact that Ché Guevara himself was appointed by Fidel Castro as president of the Cuban Central Bank. According to Carlos Alberto Montaner, as a consequence of Guevara’s monetary policies “the Cuban peso, which for decades had maintained parity with the dollar, began to sink in the midst of a growing inflationary process.” Using the Cuban peso, they explain, would then be another way to honor Ché’s memory.

Regarding Guevara’s legacy, Fundación Internacional Bases maintains that it is essential that the apartment be used to show who Ché really was.

“We want to use Ché’s birth house to commemorate all the people personally killed by Ché, who declared himself in favor of shootings and summary executions. We want to highlight his political failures, in Cuba at the Central Bank and in the Ministry of Industry, and also the military ones, when he tried to export violence to Congo and Bolivia. And finally, to expose the results of the communist system Ché helped imposing in Cuba: 10,000 murdered, 80,000 drowned balseros, and 1.5 million political exiles,” explained the president of Fundación Internacional Bases.

The full offer by Fundación Internacional Bases, ways of payment, possibility of a trade, and which exact use would be given to each room of the birth house of Ché Guevara can be found here.

About Fundación Internacional Bases

Fundación Internacional Bases (FIB) is a civil society organization that thinks globally and acts locally. FIB takes part in the most important current discussions related to individual liberties and the market economy. We do not seek to be just another voice. Instead, we work to have an active role in a substantial change that brings the triumph of freedom, a social order of responsible individuals, the liberalization of the economy, and a diminishing role of government in our lives. To do this we actively cooperate with think tanks, individuals, educational institutions, people in new media, and all those who want to achieve real freedom.

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