How to set up a NEM wallet for FMT

Free Market Token
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2018

This Guide provides step-by-step instructions to create a simple NEM wallet to store your FMT tokens.

  1. Go to

2. Select your operating system. (Windows/Mac/Linux) Double click and download should start.

3. After download is complete, locate the file (usually in “Downloads” folder).

4. If the file is folder is “zipped”, right click (or control click on Mac) and extract file contents.

5. Once file is extracted, open folder.

6. Locate file “NEM NanoWallet (application or .exe) — Double click to open.

7. Click on “Sign up”

8. Click on “Simple Wallet”

It is recommended to disconnect from the internet at this point. It will help to protect you while creating your wallet and backing up your data.

9. Click “ready”

10. Select “Mainnet” from dropdown menu and click “Next”

11. Name your wallet then click “Next”

12. Create a password — make it strong and memorable. Confirm Password then Click “Next”

13. Click the “Start” button

14. Move cursor randomly around the page until you get to 100% then click “Next”

15. Click “Understood” (page not shown)

16. Download a backup of the wallet.

Note: It is a good idea to save a copy of the wallet file on an external hard drive, in the cloud or on a USB stick.

Once you have made a copy, click “I have my wallet file”

17. Click on “Show Private Key”

Security Note: It is recommended that you make 3 x copies of your private key. Make sure you keep your private keys in extremely safe place (eg. Safe / safety deposit box). Be sure to make clear distinction when writing b and

Also make sure you are not facing any cameras or have anyone untrusted nearby.

Once you have made a backup of your private keys click “I have my private key and password”.

18. Account safety Protocol — click “I agree”. (Page not shown)

Congratulations! You now have successfully set up a NEM wallet.

You can log into your account using by selecting your wallet name and entering your password. This works even without the internet connected.

Make sure to reconnect your internet if you want to connect to the blockchain

If you need help locating your Public NEM wallet address continue with the following steps:

1. Log into your Nem Nano Wallet by selecting your wallet and entering your password.

2. Click on “Account” (located up the top right of the page)

3. You will now see the address. (It is a string of 40 Numbers/letters and it starts with “N”)

You can copy this address by simply clicking on the copy button to the right of the address.

