Powering Ecryptostore and empowering merchants and buyers

Brooke Glew
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2018

Free Market Token — currently in pre-sale — is the token that powers the Ecryptostore platform’s payment system. Our mission is simple: to be the world’s №1 cryptocurrency buy/sell platform.

While the business and social world is slowly embracing crypto-based operations, it is clear that ecommerce businesses to date have not yet harnessed the power of blockchain.

Ecryptostore, developed by an experienced Australian high-tech innovator, addresses this gaping deficit.


Recording its transactions to and from the platform with the powerful NEM-blockchain, Ecryptostore provides a payment gateway using fiat or multiple cryptocurrencies.

Building upon an existing robust, functionally-rich set of features for ecommerce buyers and merchants, for both novice and power users, Ecryptostore will have its own utility token called FMT.

Ecrytostore is a fully operational ecommerce platform where users can sell, buy and review products and services globally. It is suitable for first-time crypto users, crypto enthusiasts and ecommerce merchants. Transactions are available in cryptocurrency and fiat.

The FMT token will provide merchants with discounted transaction fees, free paid subscriptions, elevated merchant and affiliate levels, the ability to instantly settle a normally escrowed transaction, used as an incentive for merchant to customer advertising, and also to protect the buyer during logistical periods.

“The traditional ecommerce platform, a multibillion dollar industry, is currently dominated by a small number of juggernauts like Ebay, Amazon and Alibaba. Ecryptostore aims to capture a small percentage across this traditional space whilst positioning ourselves as a dominant leader in the ever-expanding cryptocurrency universe”, says Nathan Burns, Co-founder.

FMT Whitepaper

Ecryptostore is the ultimate link between cryptocurrency and real-world application and provides a simple on-ramp and off-ramp for users. The platform has been designed to be simple enough for a first-time crypto user, yet powerful enough to support experienced crypto enthusiasts and ecommerce merchants. The NEM-based FMT token is backed by the value of actual goods and services transacted through ecommerce; which is a trillion-dollar market annually. The FMT token can be used on the platform (to reduce transaction fees), staked (to elevate seller and affiliate status) or exchanged on the platform (for goods or services).

A tiered subscription/preferred staking model provides a continual revenue stream for the platform and demand for the token. Ecryptostore aims to provide a gateway of fiat into crypto, enable buyer flexibility, encourage mainstream adoption and enhance the entire crypto ecosystem. This FMT token sale allows early adopters and supporters an opportunity to secure FMT tokens at a discount rate, open an Ecryptostore merchant account, reduce transaction fees, earn commissions on referrals, and buy/sell goods with cryptocurrency.

Funds raised from the sale of tokens will be used to further develop and integrate the platform’s cryptocurrency payment gateway, provide liquidity for the buyer’s and seller’s protection service and expand features. Global expansion will commence via aggressive marketing and multiple language translations.

The goal is to provide a stable platform where buyers and merchants can transact with cryptocurrencies in a peer- to-peer manner with the safety and protection of a central payment processing system.

There will be precisely 550,000,000 FMT tokens in circulation with 250,000,000 FMT tokens available for sale during the ICO. A further 25,000,000 FMT tokens will be held in reserve and made available to new merchants through the Reserve Pool. The token offering will accept BTC, ETH and XEM.

Contribution caps have been established to reduce the effects of whale investors capturing a disproportional quantity of tokens. FMT Token team believes in having a fairly distributed economy during ICO stage.

FMT Tokens will be distributed after completion of the ICO.

Check out https://freemarkettoken.io/ and join us in Telegram.



Brooke Glew

Rivetz. Factombeat. Arthur. Blockchain Enthusiast. Marketing and Communications.