Meet Nicola, our new brokerage ops manager

Freetrade Team
Freetrade Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2018

Can you tell us a bit about your background?

I studied Business Economics at Leicester University and joined AJ Bell straight after graduation. During my time there, I worked on many different operational teams including quality assurance, client onboarding and transfers, all the while working my way up the ranks!

I eventually became Manager of 3 operational teams: Market Settlements, Cash and Business Services (which included onboarding, fees, valuations etc). That kept me busy as I was managing a broad range of activities — this was great for me as I love sinking my teeth into new projects.

My knowledge together with Jamie’s expertise in corporate actions makes us a great team. Plus we’ve worked together before!

How did you come to work at Freetrade?

I had a colleague who was aware of Freetrade so I discovered the company through them. It sounded so different from everything that was available on the market.

The investing industry really needs someone to shake things up. So soon after I heard about Freetrade, I spoke with Adam and after a bit of back and forth, we were set for me to start 6 months later: now!

What does your day look like at Freetrade?

As it’s my first week, I’m getting up to speed with all our systems. The main tasks across the day are checking everything looks orderly for our clients’ accounts. I cover unmatched or unsettled trades, dividends and corporate actions, deposits and withdrawals. The list is endless!

The major big piece right now is planning ISAs and luckily, I’m a bit of an ISA geek.

I’ve got a few weird facts up my sleeve: did you know if you’re a woman born before 1914 or a man born before 1912, you’re unlikely to have an NI number but that won’t stop you getting an ISA.

Another important broader task is planning how we’ll adapt as we onboard larger numbers of customers: looking at what areas of ops we’ll automate and how we’ll become more efficient as the user base grows.

What do you think is the biggest difference between a traditional broker and Freetrade?

The most noticeable thing coming from a legacy broker is that nothing is siloed here — all the ops team work together all the time and with the other teams too.

The other difference is that we have a sense that everything can be improved. We don’t want to introduce workarounds or ineffective solutions, we want everything to be the best it can be and everyone is working together to build the smartest long-term solution.

Of course, we’ll sometimes need patches too but they’re temporary until we build a truly better solution rather than just settling for the compromise.

What is the most important challenge in your role at Freetrade?

Making sure all client assets are allocated accurately, responsibly and keeping it all running smoothly. We want a fantastic customer reputation and a great regulatory one too.

What’s the most rewarding part of brokerage ops for you?

Learning constantly in a complex, ever-changing environment. In the seven years, I’ve been working at a broker, I’ve never been able to rest on my laurels.

At Freetrade though, there’s also the knowledge that you’re bringing investing to people who’ve traditionally been left out. We’re not looking at people with huge sums of money — we’re helping normal people find their way in the investment world.

What excites you most about Freetrade?

The team are so passionate about the product and it’s taking on established players who really need to be challenged.

Have you invested before? What’s your style?

Yes, I’m a pretty practised investor. My style’s much more built around the long-term: I have both an ISA and a SIPP. I’ve actually gone for more funds so far: ETFs and mutual fund trackers.

I’m going to look for more individual shares now I’ve got a Freetrade account.

What’s your favourite part of working at Freetrade, that’s not to do with your day-to-day job?

There’s a never-ending supply of food in the office!

More importantly, everyone’s so willing to help each other. There really is great morale; everyone’s been so welcoming in my first week!

We’re on a mission to bring fee-free investing to Europe and beyond. 🔥

Freetrade does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent advice. The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive back less than your original investment. Tax laws are subject to change and may vary in how they apply depending on the circumstances.

Freetrade is a trading name of Freetrade Limited, which is a member firm of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales (no. 09797821).

