Freeway Superchargers — Your Notice Period Explained

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3 min readMay 13, 2022

If you’re already a Freeway user, then Freeway Superchargers with annual rewards of up to 43% need no introduction.

But after our community mods received a number of questions about how the Notice Period works, and what happens when you change your Notice Period, we thought we should explain it in more detail.

How The Notice Period Works

Freeway Superchargers give you daily control of your rewards by allowing you to choose your Notice Period. That’s the amount of notice you give us before selling your Supercharger.

The more notice you give us, the more Annual Rewards you earn, up to a maximum of 10% for the full 30 days’ notice.

You can choose from 5 different Notice Periods with 5 different Annual Reward levels. The Notice Period you choose will automatically apply to all Superchargers you hold or buy.

0 Days Notice Period = 0% Annual Rewards Boost
3 Days Notice Period = 2.5% Annual Rewards Boost
7 Days Notice Period = 5% Annual Rewards Boost
15 Days Notice Period = 7.5% Annual Rewards Boost
30 Days Notice Period = 10% Annual Rewards Boost

Selling Your Supercharger

When you choose to sell your Supercharger, your Notice Period begins its countdown. Your rate is fixed when you sell, whichever currency option you choose, but the order is only processed when your Notice Period expires.

You stop earning Annual Rewards immediately and the Supercharger is no longer displayed in your account (don’t worry, it’ll appear in your transaction history).

If you sell only part of your Supercharger, you can continue to earn Annual Rewards on your remaining balance, and on any other Superchargers you hold.

Changing Your Notice Period

You can change your Notice Period at any time to earn more or less in annual rewards, depending on the access you prefer.

When you change your Notice Period, your new one will automatically apply to all of your Superchargers and begin the next day. Your Annual Rewards Boost will be updated immediately.

If you have shortened your Notice Period, your new one will begin after the difference in days between your old Notice Period and your new Notice Period.

Of course, if you haven’t changed your Notice Period and you just want to sell your Supercharger, then all you have to do is wait for the current Notice Period to expire and your order will be processed.

You can check your completion date in your transaction history after you sell your Supercharger. This auto-calculates the latest expiry date of any Notice Periods and gives you the exact date your order will be processed. See our web app image below.

How Your Notice Period Works

Freeway Offers #AccessForAll

Any eligible user in more than 150 countries can create an account for access to AuBit Prime, Supercharger products, staking FWT and Freeway Referral Rewards.

Visit our website to get access to Freeway now!

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