US Freeway Friday Update — 29 July 2022

Sadie Hutton
Published in
6 min readJul 29, 2022

See what is happening in the non-US Freeway ecosystem with the video update below from the global platform.

In this edition of the Freeway Weekly Update, you get the launch of a new fiat-based Freeway Supercharger and the latest Freeway growth stats.

Hey #FreewayFam,

New Freeway Supercharger Revealed

At the start of July, we announced a new Freeway Supercharger would launch this month.

Now the time has come for the big reveal…

Freeway’s new addition to its Tier 1 Supercharger lineup, offering up to 43% Annual Rewards* for Freeway users is… the Australian Dollar!

The Aussie dollar or AUD was introduced in 1966 as a decimal replacement for the Australian Pound, which had 20 shillings per pound and 12 pence per shilling.

Australian Treasurer, Harold Holt, held a public consultation to name the new currency. But when he revealed the proposed new name as the ‘Royal’, there was a public outcry and three months later, Australia’s new currency was officially named the ‘Dollar’.

Today, the Aussie dollar is the world’s fifth most traded fiat currency, and a welcome addition to the Freeway platform and our Supercharger simulations.

And it’s especially welcome for one lucky FreewayFam member, who guessed AUD correctly in our Supercharger quiz. Congratulations BitBeej! We’ve already added $500 worth of our new AUD Supercharger to your Freeway account, don’t spend it all at once…

In other news, I can confirm that Freeway has received a report verifying the calculation of our 2021 trading performance figures, from the ACA Group, one of the world’s leading governance, risk, and compliance advisors. The results are hugely positive for Freeway’s corporate growth and we’re hoping to make the report available soon, for anyone who requests access.

(Any disclosure of trading performance related to Freeway corporate funds is separate from the Supercharger simulation, which is not an investment or financial product. Freeway does not hold, pool, or trade user funds.)

I hope that’s enough alpha for the FreewayFam this week. Agent Alpha is currently recharging his batteries on an annual break, but will be back soon…

Freeway’s Latest Growth Stats

Crypto has been in a volatile mood this week and these latest figures (as of 7/27/2022) were announced during our AMA on Wednesday.

  • US Freeway users = 5,839
  • US total Supercharger simulations = $32,573,197
  • US closed-loop FWT staked = 617,877,053

Tech Updates: Clearer Notice Period Messaging

We’ve introduced new messaging on the Freeway platform to make it clearer for users who change their Notice Period, so they can see how long any new sell orders may take to complete.

The first screen below is an example of a user who has reduced their Notice Period from 30 days to 3 days for Supercharger sell orders.

It shows the earliest completion date for any sell orders placed after today ( July 28) and the following 27 days, will be August 28, 2022 — that’s 30 days after the previous Notice Period was changed. Any sell orders placed on or after August 25 will complete 3 days later.

The next screen below is an example of a user who has increased their Notice Period to 30 days for Supercharger sell orders.

Guerrilla of the Week: Mark C

Telegram: @Doctorusername

Mark C has to be one of the most passionate members of the FreewayFam to date. His energy makes the whole team smile!

We don’t know where Mark finds the time, but he is constantly active across the community sharing his thoughts and insights, and he is always happy to help other members of the FreewayFam with their questions.

Always energetic, always happy for a light-hearted chat, and seems to very much enjoy getting into the depths of Freeway with any, and all, eager new community members.

It’s a privilege when people like Mark join the community. Please keep being you and keep making the FreewayFam smile!

Wednesday’s AMA on Telegram

Once a week, usually on a Tuesday at 6pm UTC, Freeway holds an internal AMA in the Freeway Telegram channel that gives the community a chance to ask direct questions with core team members.

You can find the transcript or recording from last Wednesday’s AMA session here.

Click below to join the official Freeway Telegram group.

If you’d like to participate in the next AMA on Tuesday at 6pm UTC, where you can ask Graham anything, join the Freeway Official Telegram group here.

As always, we love hearing from you, so please join us on Telegram, follow us on socials, and if you want to hear from us and you want to hear it first, sign up for the newsletter.


Until next week,

Sadie Hutton

Co-Founder and CEO

New to Freeway? Here’s Everything You Need To Know…

We’ve put together simple resources for people that are new to Freeway. The below articles will help you discover everything you need to know including:

Freeway Offers #AccessForAll

Any eligible user in more than 150+ countries can create an account for access to AuBit Prime, Supercharger products, staking FWT and Freeway Referral Rewards.

Visit our website to get access to Freeway now!

*Supercharger rewards are issued on a best efforts basis and may change or cease at any time. Rewards are added to your balance in the same denomination as the Supercharger purchased. See terms and conditions at

The US Freeway Weekly Update is intended for US citizens and residents only. US citizens and residents must access a distinct platform with limited features, which may be viewed at and adhere to US regulations. Any statements herein relating to the non-US platform should be disregarded. The statements in this newsletter are subject to change and should not be relied upon when making financial decisions. Some of the statements by third parties included herein are not necessarily endorsed by or represent the views of Freeway. You should always seek independent advice before making financial decisions.

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