Europe vs America Pt 2

Khalil Jackson
French 274
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2017

Now I hope I didn’t give away too much in my last post. Put today Im going to continue my discussion on the differences between the raving culture in Europe and America. Now we left off on talking about the differences between the style of music they listen to in Europe. Well now I want to talk about the scene or culture of raving and how they differ between the two locations. Now when I’m talking about the scene I’m including everything from the environment, the attire, the dancing culture, gloving and kandi, and yes…even… Drugs. Its got to be exciting learning about all of this stuff right!? So let’s get started.

Now we all know America tends to take ideas or cultures and put their own twist on it right? Almost like appropriation. Well it seems that from a world view. America does it to the EDM culture as well. Especially when it comes down to raving facet of the culture. You know how here in America you think of a rave you think of a huge venue with neon lights festival rides, commercialized vendors and such? That’s not a thing in Europe. And I know that what you think of a rave because over the course of my blogs, I have told you that that is what raves encompass. Well off in Europe their typical rave scene is very underground and unregulated. What does this mean? This means that there “ideal” rave scene is far from commercialization and capitalist privatization. There is no such thing as public promotion.

The scene is so underground and lowkey, the only way to here about such events is through word of mouth or knowing the right people. This is the case to keep certain people out of the scene because raving is illegal and to reserve it for true ravers. You can expect these venues to be abandoned warehouses or underground clubs to keep the coppers out and away. These raves don’t turn into your average America dance festivals either. American raves are filled with shufflers, gloving, hula hooping and so much more. Talents you would never see elicited at a European rave. Europeans see this as activities derived from MDMA to make the event more fun. Europeans also don’t believe in the whole neon kandi dress up attire.

You can catch European ravers out wearing casual or “going out” clothes to raves. No need for elaborate costumes that contain kandi, neon lights, or childhood dedicated themes. Plain and simple button ups and jeans. So after learning all of this you’re probably thinking “Wow, America always mix’s shit up”. Well that’s just what America does.

Now on the topic of drugs, its safe to say that it exists in both scenes. The only thing is just like non ravers, European ravers feel as if Americans rave just to do drugs. They don’t believe it is capable for most Americans to enjoy the experience of raving sober like a majority of them do. Because the rave scene itself is smaller and private it is even harder to obtain certain party drugs for the rave scene so sometimes its easier to enjoy a sober experience.

Regardless of the differences, I personally have not experienced the rave scene in Europe but the day I do I will be sure to write a blog about it.

