Profile Post

Khalil Jackson
French 274
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2017

Ashlee Burke is an EDM rave blogger who reigns from San Diego California. She blogs mainly for the purpose to shed light on the experience and environment one can expect from each rave and even unfolds the lives of high profiled DJs though interviews. It was very evident from the first blog post I read of hers that she was passionate and seems to enjoy blogging on her topics. A majority of her blogs that I was able to stumble upon and read were festival reviews and interviews of DJs. She makes sure that these festival reviews reflect exactly what she experienced at each event and doesn’t leave out anything. Down to the tee of what kind of people were in attendance, which stages and genres were the most popular, and even the festivities provided by tour promoters. Her interviews with DJs thrive from informal random questions that comes to her while she’s conducting her interview which makes the interviews seem much more like natural conversations. She tends to discuss DJs career paths, interests in music styles, and even finds a way to break into their personal lives to give readers a since of who these DJs really are off the stage. She’s very interactive with the DJs and it pays off when some of the interviewees are feeling friendly and play along. Her blogs are in no way persuasive and tend to serve as just a review of her favorite topics which are almost always Festivals and DJs. Which is right up my ally.

After reading a good amount of her blogs I can tell she tends to keep them formal and professional yet somehow still finds away to keep you interested. I’m not sure if that’s because I’m just a huge fan of the content or not but she never fails to to keep it interesting. Her transcripts of her interviews aren’t bland at all either because she makes sure to include funny questions or remarks she made which sparked a reaction from her interviewees. She writes blogs on average at least twice a week but sometimes she will go two weeks without blogging. In my mind I could only imagine that she could be traveling to another festival. Although she is based in San Diego she gives festival reviews from events all over the country which shows how passionate she is towards EDM to travel so much to experience everything and to share with us. I have not been able to find out if she is being paid to blog or not but if I find out she is. You could be seeing much more of me on medium. :)

